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2010.09 – 2015.07 北京大学 物理学院 直博 (导师:胡小永教授)
曾获SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship(2014年,中国共3人获奖)、World Quantitative and Science Scholarship(全球共28人获奖)、国家奖学金、北京市高校优秀毕业生、北京大学创新奖、康宁奖学金、五四奖学金、北京大学三好学生、北京大学学习优秀奖、陈互雄一等奖学金、北京大学“论道杯”研究生学术演讲比赛十佳演讲家、海峡两岸光电研习营“沈墨”最佳论文奖、第一届五校联盟博士生学术论坛报告一等奖等奖项。
2006.09 - 2010.07山东师范大学 物理与电子科学学院 本科
在Light: Science & Applications、Nano Letters、Advanced Optical Materials、APL、OL等发表论文16篇(第一作者13篇),主持和参与了多个科研基金项目,现为美国光学学会(OSA)和国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会员。受邀为多个国际期刊审稿人,包括OL、OE、EPL、Sci. Rep.、J. Opt. Soc. Am. A、J. Opt. Soc. Am. B、Appl. Opt.、Opt. Laser Technol、IEEE Photonics J.等。
2018.01- 至今 北京理工大学物理学院,特别副研究员
2015.08 - 2018.01 中国空间技术研究院钱学森空间技术实验室,特聘研究员
1. 光波长路由纳米器件的通用设计及其全光调控研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,24万,主持(2017.01-2019.12)
2. 基于铌酸锂单晶薄膜芯片的全光纳米逻辑器件,钱学森空间技术实验室自主创新课题,61万,主持(2015.10-2018.10)
3. 引力波探测器中的光力噪声与操控研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,330万,参与(2017.01-2021.12)
4. 基于复合腔光力系统的机械振子冷却与量子态制备研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,61万,参与(2017.01-2020.12)
1. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Kebin Shi, Qin Hu, Rui Zhu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, An actively ultrafast tunable giant slow-light effect in ultra-thin nonlinear metasurfaces, Light: Science & Applications 4, e302 (2015). (IF:14.098)(被National Science Review报道)
2. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Fan Zhang, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Multilayer graphene:polycrystalline ITO for ultralow-power active control of polarization-insensitive, metamaterial-induced transparency, Advanced Optical Materials 2, 1115-1118 (2014).(IF:6.875)(被选为同期封面)
3. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Ultrawide-band unidirectional surface plasmon Polariton launchers, Advanced Optical Materials 1, 792-797 (2013).(IF:6.875)(被选为同期封面)
4. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, All-optical logic binary encoder based on asymmetric plasmonic nanogrooves, Applied Physics Letters 103, 121107 (2013). (IF:3.411)
5. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Yingbo Zhang, Zhiqiang Li, Xin’anXu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Ultralow power all-optical diode in photonic crystal heterostructures with broken spatial inversion symmetry, Applied Physics Letters 99, 051107 (2011). (IF:3.411)
6. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Ultrahigh-contrast and wideband nanoscale photonic crystal all-optical diode, Optics Letters 36, 4668 (2011). (IF:3.416)
7. Cuicui Lu, Yong-Chun Liu, Xiaoyong Hu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Integrated ultracompact and broadband wavelength demultiplexer based on multi-component nano-cavities, Scientific Reports 6, 27428 (2016).(IF:4.259)(被美国Phys.org网站和Chemical views网站报道)
8. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Chip-integrated ultrawide-band all-optical logic comparator in plasmonic circuits, Scientific Reports 4, 3869 (2014). (IF:4.259)
9. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Integrated all-optical logic discriminators based on plasmonic bandgap engineering, Scientific Reports 3, 2778 (2013). (IF:4.259)
10. Cuicui Lu, Hui-Qin Wang, Jianxiang Miao, Weixuan Guo, Xueshuang Xiang, Yong-Chun Liu, A tunable on-chip integrated plasmonic filter and router based on metal/dielectric nanostructures, Plasmonics 13, 115, (2018). (IF:2.139)
11. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Song Yue, Yulan Fu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Ferroelectric hybrid plasmonic waveguide for all-optical logic gate Applications, Plasmonics 8, 749 (2013). (IF:2.139)
12. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Yingbo Zhang, Zhiqiang Li, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Large nonlinearity enhancement of Ag/MEH–PPV nanocomposite by surface plasmon resonance at 1,550 nm, Plasmonics 7, 159 (2011). (IF:2.139)
13. Cuicui Lu, Xiaoyong Hu, Xiaoyang Liu, Xiao Ma, Chenyun Wu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Multi-color photon sorting based on plasmonic microcavities, Journal of Optics 16, 015003 (2014). (IF:1.741)
14. Yulan Fu, Xiaoyong Hu, Cuicui Lu, Song Yue, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, All-optical logic gates based on nanoscale plasmonic slot waveguides, Nano Lett ers 12, 5784 (2012). (IF:12.712)
15. Yu Zhu, Xiaoyong Hu, Cuicui Lu, Yongyang Huang, and Qihuang Gong, All-optical tunable wavelength-division multiplexing based on colloid al crystal coated silver film, Plasmonics 7, 589 (2012). (IF:2.139)
16. Xiaoyu Yang, Xiaoyong Hu, Zhen Chai, Cuicui Lu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong, Tunable ultracompact chip-integrated multichannel filter based on plasmon-induced transparencies, Applied Physics Letters 104, 221114 (2014). (IF:3.411)
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