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科研方向:负热膨胀材料制备及应用研究 复合钙钛矿微波介质瓷的制备及相结构研究 新型功能材料制备过程物理化学 矿物浸出过程界面行为及微观机制
2002.09-2008.06 北京科技大学冶金物理化学直攻博 1998.09-2002.07 北京科技大学冶金物理化学工学学士
1. 负热膨胀材料制备及应用研究; 2. 复合钙钛矿微波介质瓷的制备及相结构研究。
1. Deng Jinxia, Li Lihong, Chen Jun, et al, Facile molten salt synthesis of ordered perovskite Ba(Sr1/3Nb2/3)O3 powders, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 21, (2012), 92;
2. Wang Jinrui, Deng Jinxia, Yu Ranbo, et al, Coprecipitation synthesis and negative thermal expansion of NbVO5, Dalton Transactions, 40, (2011), 3394;
3. Chen Jun, Deng Jinxia, Yu Ranbo, et al, Negative thermal expansion compounds and their mechanisms, Wuli, 39, (2010), 691;
4. Chen Xi, Deng Jinxia, Yu Ranbo, et al, A simple oxidation route to prepare pseudobrookite from panzhihua raw ilmenite, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 93, (2010), 2968;
5. Li Lihong, Deng Jinxia, Yu Ranbo, et al, Phase evolution in low-dimensional niobium oxide synthesized by a topochemical method, Inorganic Chemistry, 49, (2010), 1397;
6. Sun Xueyi, Deng Jinxia, Chen Jun, et al, Effects of li substitution on the structure and ferroelectricity of (Na,K)NbO3, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 92, (2009), 3033;
7. Deng Jinxia; Chen Jun; Yu Ranbo et al, Molten salt synthesis and phase evolution of Ba(Cd1/3Nb2/3)O3, International Journal of Materials Research, 100, (2009), 1552;
8. Sun Xueyi, Deng Jinxia, Sun Ce, et al, Effect of BiScO3 and LiNbO3 on the piezoelectric properties of (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3 ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92, (2009), 1853;
9. Li Lihong, Deng Jinxia, Chen Jun, et al, Wire structure and morphology transformation of niobium oxide and niobates by molten salt synthesis, Chemistry of Materials, 21, (2009), 1207;
10. Deng Jinxia, Chen Jun, Yu Ranbo, et al, Crystallographic and Raman spectroscopic studies of microwave dielectric ceramics Ba(Ca1/3Nb2/3)O3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472, (2009), 502;
11. Li Lihong, Deng Jinxia, Chen Jun, et al, Piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of 0.96(Na,K)(Nb0.9Ta0.1)O3-0.04LiSbO3 ceramics synthesized by molten salt method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 471, (2009), 428;
12. Deng Jinxia, Chen Jun, Yu Ranbo, et al, Neutron powder diffraction study and B-site ordering in microwave dielectric ceramics Ba(Ca1/3Nb2/3)O3, Solid State Sciences, 11, (2009), 170.
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