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科研方向:(1)药物合成化学:包括天然产物二氢丹参酮、金圣草黄素、肿瘤多药耐药抑制剂tariquidar的化学合成; (2)有机反应新方法:有机催化反应新方法研究。
1995-1999 兰州大学 有机化学专业 学士 1999-2002 兰州大学 有机化学专业 硕士 2002-2005 中国协和医科大学药物研究所 药物化学专业 博士 2005-2006 德国 Regensburg 大学 博士后 2006-2007 英国Nottingham, Pharminox Ltd.制药公司 博士后 2007- 北京科技大学化学系
中央高校基本科研业务费“基于靶点的肿瘤耐药抑制剂的设计与合成”(No. FRF-TP-12-115A); 校冶金工程研究院基础理论研究基金“近红外双光子荧光敏感金属离子探针的设计合成研究”(No. YJ2011-023); 北京市科技新星计划项目“Tariquidar类肿瘤多药耐药抑制剂的合成及活性评价”(No. 2008B20); 教育部留学归国人员基金“第三代Tariquidar类肿瘤多药耐药抑制剂研究”(No. 11140058); 北京科技大学科研基金“第三代Tariquidar类肿瘤多药
Xuqin Li, An Liu, Feilong Zhang, Yan Lei, “The preparation and application of Anthranilic acid derivatives”, Application Number of the Patent: 201210063762.7.
(1) Lin Wang, An Liu, Fei-Long Zhang, John Hok. Keung. Yeung, Xuqin Li*, Chi-Hin Cho*, Evaluation and SAR analysis of the cytotoxicity of tanshinones in colon cancer cells, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2014, 12(3), 1-5.
(2) Yunxu Yang,* Huimin Xue, Laicheng Chen; Ruilong Sheng,* Xuqin Li, Kun Li, Colorimetric and Highly Selective Fluorescence “Turn-on” Detection of Cr3+ by Using a Simple Schiff Base Sensor, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 31, 377-380;
(3) Xuqin Li, Yun Xu Yang*, Wei Li Wang, Bin Hu, Hui Min Xue, Tian Yi Zhang, Xue Tao Zhang, Asymmetric synthesis of L-carnitine from (R)-3-chloro -1,2-propanediol, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2011, 22(7), 765-767;
(4) Juan Li, Jun Zhang, Wenguang Jin, Xuqin Li*, Shenghuang Chen, An Liu*, Studies on the New Synthetic Method of Shikonin Analogues, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011, 31(3), 383-386;
(5) Xuqin Li, An Liu*, Inspiration from Protecting-Group-Free Synthesis, Progress in Chemistry, 2010, 22(1), 81-90;
(6) Xuqin Li*, The simple synthesis of quinazoline-2,4-dione derivatives using Boc strategy, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2009, 20(10), 1201-1203;
(7) Xuqin Li, Junli Yu, Song Xu, Nan Wang, Hongzhen Yang, Zheng Yan, Guifang Cheng, Gang Liu*, Chemical conjugation of muramyl dipeptide and paclitaxel to explore the combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy for cancer, Glycoconjugate J., 2008, 25, 415-425;
(8) Michael Egger, Xuqin Li, Christine Müller, Günther Bernhardt, Armin Buschauer, Burkhard K?nig*, Tariquidar Analogues: Synthesis by CuI-Catalysed N/O-Aryl Coupling and Inhibitory Activity against the ABCB1 Transporter, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2007, 16, 2643-2649;
(9) Salomé Veiga, Yunyun Yuan, Xuqin Li, Nuno C. Santos, Gang Liu*, Miguel A.R.B. Castanho, Why are HIV-1 fusion inhibitors not effective against SARS-CoV? Biophysical evaluation of molecular interactions, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2006, 1760, 55-61;
(10) Xuqin Li, Song Xu, Gang Liu*, Combinatorial Synthesis of Libraries of Natural Product Analogues, Progress in Chemistry, 2006, 18 (9), 1130-1142;
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