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本科课程:无机化学 配位化学 无机化学实验
1. 1997.9-2001.7 北京师范大学化学学院获理学学士学位 2. 2001.9-2006.6 北京师范大学化学学院获理学博士学位 3. 2006.6- 北京科技大学化学系 学位
1. 国家自然科学基金“用于光转换的Sm(III)异金属配合物的设计、组装与性能研究”; 2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项课题“钌配合物的分子设计与抗肿瘤活性研究”; 3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项课题“新型贵金属配合物的合成与性质研究”; 4. 校基金“微孔镧系配位聚合物的合成、结构及性质”。
1.2008年“无机化学教学改革”获北京科技大学教学成果二等奖。 2.2008年获本科教学工作优秀奖。 3.2009年指导的本科科技创新项目“稀土混酸配合物的合成、结构及性质”获北京科技大学一等奖。 4.2010年指导的本科创新项目“Zn(II)微孔配位聚合物的合成、结构及性质”获摇篮杯优秀奖。
1. Changyan Sun, Qiong Lv, Huiyan Zhang, Wenjun Li, Zhidong Chang, Xiangjun Zheng, “Syntheses, structures and properties of Lanthanide coordination polymers constructed from mixed acid”, Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2012, 31(1), 27-32;
2. Changyan Sun, Bin Dong, Qiong Lv, Xiangjun Zheng,”Supramolecular architectures with open frameworks constructed by transitional metal ions, linear dicarboxylic acid, and 2,2'-bipyridine”, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2011, 637(2), 276–281;
3. Changyan Sun, Xiangjun Zheng, Xiaobo Chen, Licun Li, Linpei Jin, “Assembly and upconversion luminescence of lanthanide-organic frameworks with mixed acid ligands”, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2009, 362(2), 325-330;
4. Changyan Sun, Xiangjun Zheng, Wenjun Li, Mingwen Wang, Chunying Fang, “Assembly of supramolecular networks with the inclusion of water chains, cyclic hepta and octa water clusters”, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2008, 634(14), 2663-2669;
5. Changyan Sun, Jie Zhou, Wenjun Li, Linpei Jin, “Supramolecular structures from mononuclear, binuclear and 2D net of Copper(II) complexes with 6-hydroxypicolinic acid”, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2008, 634(3), 549-554;
6. Changyan Sun, Xinxin Li, Shuifeng Wang, Wenjun Li, Xiangjun Zheng, “Supramolecular assembly of double-stranded chains, helical chains and catenane-like layers with flexible ligands”, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2008, 634(5), 950-955;
7. Changyan Sun, Jie Zhou, Linpei Jin, “Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of three new transition-metal coordination polymers with 2-carboxycinnamic acid”, J. Mol. Struct., 2007, 843(1-3), 95-101;
8. Changyan Sun, Song Gao, Linpei Jin, “Hydrothermal syntheses, architectures and magnetic properties of six novel Mn(II)-organic frameworks with unusual units and mixed ligands”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2006, (12), 2411-2421;
9. Changyan Sun, Licun Li, Linpei Jin, “Dicarboxylate anion-dependent assembly of Co(II) and Ni(II) coordination polymers with 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane”, Polyhedron, 2006, 25(15), 3017-3024;
10. Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Supramolecular architecture constructed by p-carboxycinnamic acid and d-block metal ions”, Polyhedron, 2006, 25(6), 1327-1332;
11. Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Hydrothermal synthesis and structural studies of two new copper(II) coordination polymers with V-shape ligands”, J. Mol. Struct., 2006, 782(2-3), 171-176;
12. Changyan Sun, Xiangjun Zheng, Song Gao, Licun Li, Linpei Jin, “Multiple regulated assembly, crystal structure and magnetic properties of porous coordination polymers with flexible ligands”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2005, (20), 4150-4159;
13. Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structures of two zinc(II) coordination polymers with benzophenone-4,4’-dicarboxylic acid”, J. Mol. Struct., 2005, 733(1-3), 63-68;
14. Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Supramolecular architectures from the self-assembly of lanthanide ions with 6-hydroxypicolinic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline”, J. Mol. Struct., 2005, 741(1-3), 241-247;
15. Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of first examples of lanthanide(III) isoorotates with 3D supramolecular network”, Polyhedron, 2004, 23(12), 2085-2093;
16. Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Three-dimensional porous frameworks constructed by transition metal ions and isoorotic acid”, Polyhedron, 2004, 23(14), 2227-2233;
17. Changyan Sun, Xiangjun Zheng, Linpei Jin, “Syntheses and structures of first examples of Lanthanide complexes with 6-hydroxypicolinic Acid”, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2004, 630(8-9), 1342-1347;
18. Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Synthesis and structure of a novel microporous coordination polymer [Co2(Hisor)2(4,4?-bpy)2(H2O)2]?4,4?-bpy”, Chem. J. Chin. Univ., 2004, 25(10), 1807-1809;
19. Changyan Sun, Xiangjun Zheng, Linpei Jin, “Supramolecular formation via hydrogen bonding in the Zn(II), Mn(II)and Cu(II) complexes with 3-hydroxypicolinic acid”, J. Mol. Struct., 2003, 646(1-3), 201-210;
20. Jie Zhou, Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Solvothermal syntheses and crystal structures of new Cu(II) complexes with phenylsuccinic acid”, Polyhedron, 2007, 26(15), 4025-4032;
21. Wenjuan Zhuang, Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Assembly and structures of five new Cu(II) complexes based on the V-shaped building block [Cu(dbsf)]”, Polyhedron, 2007, 26(5), 1123-1132;
22. Jie Zhou, Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “Metal-dependent assembly and structure of metal 1,4-phenylenediacetate complexes with 1,10- phenanthroline”, J. Mol. Struct., 2007, 832(1-3), 55-62;
23. Wenjuan Zhuang, Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, “One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of two new Copper(II) complexes with 4-carboxyphenoxy acetic acid”, Chin. J. Chem., 2006, 24(11), 1554-1558;
24. Yibo Wang, Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin,“Synthesis and characterization of new polynuclear lanthanide coordination polymers with 4,4?-oxybis(benzoic acid)”, Polyhedron, 2005, 24(7), 823-830;
25. Chongbo Liu, Changyan Sun, Linpei Jin, Shaozhe Lu, “Supramolecular architecture of new Lanthanide coordination polymers of 2-aminoterephthalic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline”, New J. Chem., 2004, 28(8), 1019-1026;
26. Xiangjun Zheng, Changyan Sun, Shaozhe Lu, Fuhui Liao, Song Gao, Linpei Jin, “New porous Lanthanide-organic frameworks: synthesis, characterization, and properties of Lanthanide 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylates”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2004, (16), 3262-3268.
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