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基本信息 The basic information
姓名: 代洪华
学院: 航天学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
学位: 博士
职称: 副教授
学科: 航空宇航科学-飞行器设计
邮箱: hhdai@nwpu.edu.cn
电话: 029-88493685-807
工作经历 Work Experience
2014 - 至今,西北工业大学,航天学院,副教授
2014 - 至今,航天飞行动力学技术重点实验室,副教授
教育经历 Education Experience
2009 - 2014,西北工业大学,航天学院,博士
2010 - 2012,University of California, Irvine,MAE,联合培养博士
2005 - 2009,西北工业大学,机电学院,本科
教育教学 Education And Teaching
1. 本科生课程:Flight Dynamics(英文课程40学时)
2. 硕士生课程:非线性动力学(40学时)
招生信息 Admission Information
荣誉获奖 Awards Information
Outstanding Young Investigator Award, 国际计算与实验科学工程大会, 葡萄牙,2017
科学研究 Scientific Research
代洪华,男,山东聊城人,副教授,硕士生导师。从事的研究领域有:(1)计算结构动力学;(2)柔性航天器动力学与控制;(3)流固耦合力学。截至目前,已在Journal of Computational Physics,Journal of Fluids and Structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, JSV, JGCD, AIAA J.等国际著名力学期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,其中ESI高被引论文2篇。作为项目负责人主持国家自然基金项目、国家863项目等5项。
学术成果 Academic Achievements
1. H.H. Dai, X.J. Jing, Y. Wang, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan. Post-capture vibration suppression of spacecraft via a bio-inspired isolation system, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, in press.
2. H.H. Dai, X.C. Wang, M. Schnoor, X.C. Wang, S.N. Atluri. Analysis of internal resonance in a two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamical system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 49, pp.176-191, 2017.
3. C. Ma, H.H. Dai, J.P. Yuan. Estimation of inertial characteristics of tumbling spacecraft using constant state filter. Advances in Space Research, 60(3), pp.513-530, 2017.
4. X. Wang, X. Yue, H.H. Dai, S.N. Atluri. Feedback-Accelerated Picard Iteration for Orbit Propagation and Lambert’s Problem, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 40(10), pp.2442-2451, 2017.
5. C. Wei, J. Luo, H.H. Dai, Z. Yin, J. Yuan. Low complexity differentiator based decentralized fault-tolerant control of uncertain large-scale nonlinear systems with unknown dead zone, Nonlinear Dynamics, 89 (4), pp.2573-2592, 2017.
6. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan. Half-order optimally scaled Fourier expansion method for solving nonlinear dynamical system, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 87, pp.21-29, 2016.
7. H.H. Dai, X.K.Yue, J.P. Yuan, D. Xie, S.N. Atluri. A comparison of classical Runge-Kutta and Henon’s methods for capturing chaos and chaotic transients in an aeroelastic system with freeplay nonlinearity, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015.
8. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan, S.N. Atluri. A time domain collocation method for studying the aeroelasticity of a two dimensional airfoil with a structural nonlinearity. Journal of Computational Physics, 270, pp.214-237, 2014.
9. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, D. Xie, S.N. Atluri. Chaos and chaotic transients in an aeroelastic system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(26), pp. 7267-7285, 2014.
10. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, S.N. Atluri. Solutions of the von Karman plate equations by a Galerkin method, without inverting the tangent stiffness matrix. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 9(2), pp.195-226, 2014.
11. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, C.S. Liu. A multiple scale time domain collocation method for obtaining approximate solutions for nonlinear dynamical systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 67, pp.342-351, 2014.
12. X.K. Yue, H.H. Dai, C.S. Liu. Optimal scale polynomial interpolation technique for obtaining periodic solutions to the Duffing oscillator. Nonlinear Dynamics, 77(4), pp.1455-1468, 2014.
13. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan, D. Xie. A fast harmonic balance technique for periodic oscillations of an aeroelastic airfoil. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 50, pp. 231-252, 2014.
14. D. Xie, M. Xu, H.H. Dai, E.H. Dowell. Observation and Evolution of Chaos for a Cantilever Plate in Supersonic Flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 50, pp. 271-291, 2014.
15. X.K. Yue, X.C. Wang, H.H. Dai. A Simple Time Domain Collocation Method to Precisely Search for Periodic Orbits of Satellite Relative Motions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, pp.1-15, 2014.
16. P. Li, X.K. Yue, H.H. Dai. Real-time terminal guidance for autonomous spacecraft capture of free floating objects using model predictive control, International Journal of Space Science and Engineering 5 2 (2), 190-204.
17. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan. A time domain collocation method for obtaining the third superharmonic solutions to the Duffing oscillator. Nonlinear Dynamics, 73(1-2), pp.593-609, 2013.
18. H.H. Dai, M. Schnoor, S.N. Atluri. A Simple Collocation Scheme for Obtaining the Periodic Solutions of the Duffing Equation, and its Equivalence to the High Dimensional Harmonic Balance Method: Subharmonic Oscillations. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 84(5), pp.459-497, 2012.
19. H.H. Dai, J.K. Paik, S.N. Atluri. The Global Nonlinear Galerkin Method for the Analysis of Elastic Large Defections of Plates under Combined Loads: A Scalar Homotopy Method for the Direct Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. Computers, Materials & Continua, 23(1), pp.69-99, 2011.
20. H.H. Dai, J.K. Paik, S.N. Atluri. The Global Nonlinear Galerkin Method for the Solution of von Karman Nonlinear Plate Equations: An Optimal & Faster Iterative Method for the Direct Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. Computers, Materials & Continua, 23(2), pp.155-185, 2011.
21. C.S. Liu, H.H. Dai, S.N. Atluri. Iterative Solution of a System of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 81(4), pp.335-362, 2011.
22. C.S. Liu, H.H. Dai, S.N. Atluri. A Further Study on Iteratively Solving the Nonlinear System of Algebraic Equations. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 81(2), pp.195-227, 2011.
23. X.K. Yue, J. Chen, H.H. Dai. Pseudospectral control for 6-DOF electromagnetic formation flying. Journal of Aerospace Engineering: Part G, 2015.
社会兼职 Social Appointments
AIAA Senior Member
国际ICCES会议Aerospace Flight Dynamics and Control分会主席
国际期刊AIAA J., JGCD, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, IJNM等20多个国际期刊审稿人
团队信息 Team Information
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