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What is an employee? Judges in several American courts are grappling with just this question. Most notably, some drivers for Uber, an app-based taxi service, are suing to have themselves declared employees, rather than independent contractors, in a bid to gain more rights. With technology making it ever easier to farm out small tasks, and freelancing on the rise, the traditional definition of employment may eventually break down. 什么是雇工?在美国,很多法官正在纠结这个问题。我们注意到,APP乘车服务软件“优步”的一些司机们正在奔走呼号,想要公司承认他们是“雇工”而不是独立的“合同工”,从而获取更多的权益。鉴于技术正在使分包小任务更加容易,自由职业正在蓬勃发展,“雇工”的传统定义最终可能会被打破。
Firms with employees use plans and hierarchies to get things done; those who use contractors rely on markets and prices instead. Contracting, then, is not new. But campaigners for workers' rights worry about the use of contractors in the rapidly growing app economy. Often, governments and companies provide benefits exclusively to employees. Are contractors missing out?那么,“雇工”与“合同工”有什么差别呢?一般来讲,使用雇工的公司是利用“计划”和“等级”让事情得以解决,而使用合同工的公司依靠的是“市场”和“价格”。 雇佣工人为“合同工”并不是新鲜事,但领工人权利的造势者担心的是合同工在日新月异的APP经济中的使用。常见的情况是,政府和企业只给雇工提供福利。合同工正在错失这些福利吗?
雇工福利主要有三大类:医疗保险、养老保险和失业保险(three broad categories: public pensions, health care, and unemployment insurance)。Again, there is no free lunch for workers when employers foot the bill. Numerous studies have found that the more firms pay for health insurance, the less they pay in wages. 雇主支付账单的时候,是不会给员工提供免费午餐的。研究表明,企业为医疗保险出的钱越多,以工资形式发下来的钱就越少。
这篇文章来源于2015年9月的《经济学人》,文章最后指出Turning freelancers for firms like Uber into employees would not necessarily improve their lot优步的自由职业者转变成雇工不一定会改善他们的命运。因为鱼与熊掌不可兼得you can’t pushing on a string! 泛读是对背景知识的必要补充,希望2016考研的考生在忙于复习考研英语真题的同时,也要注意泛读的积累。预祝大家复习顺利,旗开得胜。
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