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本文推荐的考研英语泛读文章是关于网络安全问题。In the nascent “internet of things”, security is the last thing on people’s minds.当今网络世界确实存在诸多不安全因素,到底该如何应对?通读这篇文章,让我们来一探究竟。
Now, worries about cyber-security remain mostly theoretical. But again, the warning lights are flashing. In 2014 researchers at the Sans Institute, a firm that offers computer-security training, said they had discovered a botnet of digital video recorders (DVRs). The sabotaged machines spent their time crunching through the complicated calculations needed to mine bitcoins, a virtual currency, for the botnet’s controllers. 目前,对网络安全问题的担忧大多数仍是理论上的推测。但是,警钟却再一次敲响。2014年,电脑安全培训公司洛杉矶研究会的调查员们表示,他们发现一种数字视频录像机(DVR)的僵尸网络。机器感染后,将破译比特币的复杂算法,为这张僵尸网络的幕后操控者窃取此虚拟货币。
Fortunately, big computer firms do. Two decades of bitter experience mean much more attention is paid to security by the likes of Microsoft and Google. But getting non-computer companies to follow suit will mean a change in corporate culture. 好在大型公司已有经验。二十多年的惨痛经历让谷歌、微软等公司更加关注网络安全。但是,要让非计算机公司跟随大流,关注网络安全,却意味着要改变公司文化。
Computer firms have learned that writing secure code is almost impossible and that openness is the best defence. Other companies, though, are still defensive. In 2013, for instance, Volkswagen appealed to an English court to block publication of work by Flavio Garcia, a researcher at Birmingham University who had uncovered a serious problem with the remote key fobs that lock VW’s cars. The computer industry has long-since learned that such “white-hat” hackers are its friends. 计算机公司已然意识,编写安全代码几乎不可能,只有公开才是最好的防御。然而,其他公司却仍防御重重,讳莫如深。例如,2013年,大众汽车公司就向一家英国法院上诉,要求该法院禁止伯明翰大学研究员弗拉维奥•盖西亚(Flavio Garcia)的宣传活动,因为他指出大众汽车的遥控钥匙存在严重隐患。计算机行业早已认识到,这些“白帽黑客”都是自己人。
But the biggest difficulty is that, for now, companies have few incentives to take security seriously. As was the case with the internet in the 1990s, most of these threats are still on the horizon. This means getting security wrong has—for the moment—no impact on a firm’s reputation or its profits. That too will change, says Dr Anderson, at least in those industries where the consequences of a breach are serious.但是,现在最大的困难是,各公司很少有动力认真对待安全问题。尽管20世纪90年代兴起的互联网影响深远,但是大多数安全威胁仍只是微露端倪。这就说明,在目前看来,忽视安全问题对公司的声誉或利润都还未造成冲击。但是,这种现象也将改变,至少在那些一旦受侵,后果不堪设想的行业是如此,安德森博士如此警告。
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