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金朝霞,1970年出生。北京大学化学系理学学士(1991年);北京大学化学系助理工程师(1991年)、工程师(1996年);新加坡国立大学化学系哲学博士(2002年);韩国国立汉城大学物理系博士后研究(2001年-2002年)。中国人民大学化学系副教授(2004年6月),教授(2011年7月)。主要研究方向为a. 限域条件下聚合物纳米结构的制备、性质与功能的研究b. 嵌段共聚物纳米结构的制备及其性能研究3、碳纳米材料与聚合物的复合材料的生物医学应用。目前在研的课题有:国家自然科学基金面上项目 21074149(2011.1-2013.12),51173201(2012.1-2015.12) 已完成课题:国家自然科学基金青年项目(2005年,项目号50503025)
1.Wettability Transition Induced Transformation and Entrapment of Polymer Nanostructures in Cylindrical Nanopores,X. D. Feng, S. L. Mei, Z. X. Jin* Langmuir 2011, 27, 14240.
2.Superhydrophobic polyvinylidene fluoride/graphene porous materials,D.A. Zha, S. L. Mei, Z. Y. Wang, H. J. Li, Z.J. Shi, Z. X. Jin* Carbon 2011, 49, 5166.
3.Formation of superhydrophobic microspheres of poly(vinylidene fluoride - hexafluoropropylene)/graphene composite via gelation,L. Zhang, D.A. Zha, T. T. Du, S. L. Mei, Z. J. Shi, Z.X. Jin * Langmuir 2011, 27, 8943.
4.Fabrication of Polymer Nanospheres Based on Rayleigh Instability in Capillary Channels,S. L. Mei, X.D. Feng, Z. X. Jin* Macromolecules 2011, 44, 1615.
5.Filling Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with WO3 and W Nanowires via Confined Chemical Reactions,K. K. Zhao, Z.Y. Wang, Z. J. Shi, Z. N. Gu, Z. X. Jin* J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2011, 11, 2278.
6.Fabrication, mechanical properties and biocompatibility of graphene-reinforced chitosan composites,H.L. Fan, L.Wang, K.K. Zhao, N. Li, Z. J. Shi, Z. G. Ge*, Z. X. Jin* Biomacromolecules 2010, 11, 2345.
7.A biocompatible chitosan composite containing phosphotungstic acid modified single-walled carbon nanotubes,Q. C. Zhao, J. Yin, X. D. Feng, Z. J. Shi, Z.G. Ge, Z. X. Jin* J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2010, 10, 7126.
8.Spontaneous formation of nanoscale polymer spheres, capsules, or rods by evaporation of polymer solutions in cylindrical alumina nanopores,X.D. Feng, Z. X. Jin* Macromolecules 2009, 42, 569.
9.Carbon-nanotube-assisted high loading and controlled release of polyoxometalates in biodegradable multilayer thin films,Q. C. Zhao, X. D. Feng, S.L. Mei, Z. X. Jin* Nanotechnology 2009, 20, 105101.
10.The hierarchical microstructure of helical polyacetylene nanofibers,Z. X. Jin*, Z. Y. Wang, Z. J. Shi, H. J. Lee, Y. W. Park, K. Akagi Curr. Appl. Phys. 2007, 7, 367.
11.著作:《纳米碳管生物效应与安全应用》 贾光,李文新,金朝霞编著 科学出版社 2010,6.
JIN Zhaoxia:Born in 1970. B.S., Peking University (1991); Ph.D., National University of Singapore (2002.2); Postdoc., Seoul National University (2001.9-2002.9). Assistant Engineer (1991-1996), Engineer (1996-1998), Department of Chemistry, Peking University; Associate Professor (2004-2011), Professor (2011.7-) Renmin University of China, Department of Chemistry. Her research interests cover (1) the fabrication and properties of polymer nanostructure in confined space (2) the fabrication, phase separation and properties of block copolymer nanostructures (3) the biomedical applications of polymer nanocomposites composed of carbon-based nanomaterials.
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