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王建国,男,1962年生是中国矿业大学(徐州)力建学院和深部岩土国家重点实验室的特聘教授。他毕业于清华大学,获水利工程学士学位(1984)和岩土工程硕士学位(1987)。1987年在重庆大学参加工作,六年后获日本文部省奖学金资助,到名古屋大学土木工程系攻读博士学位,获计算岩土力学方向的工学博士学位(1996)。博士毕业后先后在新加坡国立大学(1996-2009)和澳大利亚的西澳大学(2009-2014)从事科学研究和教学工作,2014年9月全职加入中国矿业大学。现主要从事计算岩土力学与可视化、非常规气开采(主要针对煤层气和页岩气)数值模拟,和二氧化碳地下存储安全性评价等方面的研究和教学工作。作为项目负责人主持完成科研项目经费230万新加坡元和40万澳大利亚元,已培养毕业博士生13名,硕士生11名,至今已发表SCI论文90余篇,其中一篇论文已达422次引用(2016年10月20日查Web of Science),并两次获SCI高引用率奖。
Email:jgwang@cumt.edu.cn; nuswjg@yahoo.com
SCI 高引用率论文奖 (top 1% within its field) 2007
两篇文章入选新加坡国立大学SCI高引用率论文排行榜 2005-2012
SCI 高引用率论文奖 (top 1% within its field) 2005
Mfree2D 获 新加坡CrayQest2000 银奖 2000
日本文部省奖学金得主(名古屋大学推荐) 1993-1996
1,“裂隙页岩气藏多尺度扩散渗流理论研究 ”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,起止年月:2017.1-2020.12,项目负责人
2,”深部煤矿瓦斯动力灾害机理与防治的新理论与应用”,江苏省双创团队项目,起止年月:2015.1-2017.12。项目领军人才:Syd S Peng院士,核心成员:鞠杨教授、王建国教授。主要研究煤矿在开采过程中冲击地压在煤与瓦斯共采时的动力灾害的能量积聚释放规律,探讨力学与瓦斯共同作用对灾害形成机理的影响。
3,’Carbon Net dynamic seed capacity’, 澳大利亚国家ANLEC R&D项目,起止年月:2012.08-2014.08。项目负责人:JS Liu, J.G. Wang. 主要研究二氧化碳地址封存时盖层安全性评价。
4,’Supercritical CO2-CH4 displacement in tight gas reservoirs (numerical simulations)’. Shell Corporation(Australia). 起止年月:2009.2-2012.8。项目负责人:JS Liu, J.G. Wang.主要研究了西澳地区一种紧密裂隙砂岩中二氧化碳驱甲烷的数值模拟。
5,’Blast-induced liquefaction potential of reclaimed land’ 新加坡国防科技局资助,项目负责人:F H Lee, J.G. Wang,起止时间:2009.01-2012.12。主要研究了充填土在化学爆炸作用下的瞬态液化规律和范围。
6,‘Innovative migrating technology of blast induced ground shock with porous media‘. 新加坡国防科技局资助。起止年月:2005.01-2009.12。主要研究了人工改造的复合土用于减坡防震的功能。
Peer-reviewed International Journal Papers
Ichikawa Y, Wang JG, Jeong JC, 1996. Micro/macro properties of geomaterials: A homogenization method for viscoelastic problem. Structural Engineering and Mechanics; 4(6):631-644 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.766)
Wang JG, Liu GR, Wu YG, 2001. A point interpolation method for simulating dissipation process of consolidation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; 190(45): 5907-5922 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.617)
Liu GR, Zhou JJ, Wang JG, 2002. Coefficient identification in electronic system cooling simulation through genetic algorithm. Computers & Structures; 80:23-30 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.509)
Wang JG, Liu GR, 2002. A point interpolation meshless method based on radial basis functions. Int. J for Numerical Methods in Engineering; 54(11):1623-1648 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.056)
Wang JG, Liu GR, Lin P, 2002. Numerical analysis of Biot’s consolidation process by radial point interpolation method. Int. J of Solids and Structures; 39(6):1557-1573. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.871)
Wang JG, Liu GR, 2002. On the optimal shape parameters of radial basis functions used for 2-D meshless methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; 191(23-24):2611-2630. (ISI Impact Factor: 2.617)
Wang JG, Leung CF, Ichikawa Y, 2002. A simplified homogenization method for composite soils. Computers & Geotechnics; 29(6):477-500. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.224)
Karim MR, Nogami T, Wang JG, 2002. Analysis of transient response of saturated porous elastic soil under cyclic loading using element-free Galerkin method. Int. J of Solids and Structures; 39(6):6011-6033. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.871)
Liu GR, Yan L, Wang JG, Gu YT, 2002. Point interpolation method based on local residual formulation using radial basis functions. Structural Engineering and Mechanics; 14(6):713-732 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.766)
Wang JG, Ichikawa Y, Leung CF, 2003. A constitutive model for rock interfaces and joints. Int. J of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science; 40(1):41-53. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.200)
Wang JG, Leung CF, Chow YK, 2003. Numerical solutions for flow in porous media. Int. J for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics; 27(7):565-583. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.055)
Xie H, Nogami T, Wang JG, 2003. A radial boundary node method for two-dimensional elastic analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements; 27(8):853-862. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.596)
Wang JG, Zhang BY, Nogami T, 2004. Wave-induced seabed response analysis by radial point interpolation meshless method. Ocean Engineering; 31(1):21-42. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.161)
Nogami T, Wang W, Wang JG, 2004. Numerical method for consolidation analysis of lumpy clay fillings with meshless method. Soils and Foundations; 44(1):125-142. (ISI Impact Factor: 0.413)
Chen B, Peng XH, Wang JG, Fan J, Wu X, 2004. Investigation of fiber configurations of chafer cuticle by SEM, mechanical modeling and test of pull-out forces. Computational Materials Science; 30(3-4):511-516 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.878)
Chen B, Peng XH, Wang JG, Wu X, 2004. Spiry-layup model of Rutelidae cuticle. Computational Materials Science; 30(3-4):517-522 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.878)
Chen B, Peng XH, Wang JG, Wu X, 2004. An elastoplastic constitutive description for casting magnesium alloy ZL101. Computational Materials Science; 30(3-4):404-410 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.878)
Wang JG, Nogami T, Dasari GR, Lin PZ, 2004. A weak coupling algorithm for seabed-wave interaction analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; 193(36-38): 3935-3956 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.617)
Chen B, Peng XH, Wang JG, Wu X, 2004. Laminated microstructure of Bivalva shell and research of biomimetic ceramic/polymer composite. Ceramics International; 30(7):2011-2014 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.789)
Zhang BY, Wang JG, Shi RF, 2004. Time-dependent deformation in high concrete-faced rockfill dam and separation between concrete face slab and cushion layer. Computers and Geotechnics; 31(7):559-573 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.224)
Chen B, Wang JG, Peng X, Cai C, Wu X, 2004. Nanometer chitin fiber and layup of the chafer cuticle. Int. J of Nanoscience; 3(6):707-714
Chen B, Fang J, Wang JG, Peng XH,Wu X, 2005. Research of Nanostructure of Bivalva Shell. Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials; 23:83-86
Wang JG, Yan L, Liu GR, 2005. A local radial point interpolation method for dissipation process of excess pore water pressure. Int. J of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow; 15(6):567-587 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.093)
Shihai Li, Zhenzhong Lian, Wang JG, 2005. Effect of rock mass structure and block size on the slope stability - Physical modeling and discrete element simulation. Science China – Technological Science; 48(Suppl.):1-17 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.187)
Bingshan Liu, Shihai Li, Lei Zhang, Wang JG, 2005. Experimental and discrete element numerical analysis of side slope instability induced by fissure water underlying impervious bed. Science China – Technological Science ; 48(Suppl.):65-80 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.187)
Yuannian Wang, Manhong Zhao, Shihai Li, Wang JG, 2005. Stochastic structural model of rock and soil aggregates by continuum-based discrete element method. Science China – Technological Science; 48(Suppl.):95-106 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.187)
Wei ZA, Li SH, Wang JG, Wan L, 2006. A dynamic comprehensive method for landslides control. Engineering Geology; 84(1-2):1-11 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.403)
Wang ZL, Li YC, Wang JG, 2006. Study of stress waves in geomedia and effect of a soil cover layer on wave attenuation using a 1-D finite-difference method. Computers & Geosciences; 32(10):1535-1543 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.834)
Wang ZL, Wang JG, Li YC, CF Leung, 2006. Attenuation effect of artificial cavity on air-blast waves in an intelligent defense layer. Computers & Geotechnics; 33(2):132-141 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.224)
Wang ZL, Li YC, Wang JG, 2006. Numerical analysis of attenuation effect of EPS geofoam on stress-waves in civil defense engineering. Geotextiles and Geomembranes; 24(5):265-273 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.159)
Yang P, Ke JM, Wang JG, Chow YK, Zhu FB, 2006. Numerical simulation of frost heave with coupled water freezing, temperature and stress fields in tunnel excavation. Computers and Geotechnics; 33(6-7):330-340 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.224)
Wang JG, Karim MR, Lin PZ, 2007. Analysis of seabed instability using Element Free Galerkin method. Ocean Engineering; 34(2):247-260 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.161)
Li SH, Wang JG, Liu BS, Dong DP, 2007. Analysis of critical excavation depth for a jointed rock slope using a face-to-face discrete element method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering; 40(4):331-348 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.160)
Wang ZL, Li YC, Wang JG, 2007. A damage-softening statistical constitutive model considering rock residual strength. Computers & Geosciences; 33(1):1-9 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.834)
Wang ZL, Li YC, Wang JG, Shen RF, 2007. A study of tensile damage and attenuation effect of perforated concrete defense layer on stress waves. Engineering Structures; 29(6):1025-1033 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.713)
Wang WD, Wang JG, Wang ZL, Nogami T, 2007. An unequal-order radial interpolation meshless method for Biot’s consolidation theory. Computers and Geotechnics; 34(2):61-67 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.224)
Wang ZL, Li YC, Shen RF, Wang JG, 2007. Numerical study on craters and penetration of concrete slab by ogive-nose steel projectile. Computers and Geotechnics; 34(1):1-9 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.224)
Wang ZL, Li YC, Wang JG, 2008. A method for evaluating dynamic tensile damage of rock. Engineering Fracture Mechanics; 75(10):2812-2825 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.413)
Wang ZL, Li YC, Wang JG, 2008. Numerical analysis of blast-induced wave propagation and spalling damage in a rock plate. Int. J of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences; 45(4):600-608 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.200)
Zhi-liang Wang, Wang JG, Shen RF, 2008. The application of a meshless method to consolidation analysis of saturated soils with anisotropic damage. Computers & Geosciences; 34(7):849-859 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.834)
Wang ZL, Li YC, Wang JG, Wang ZH, Wang XJ, 2008. Static and dynamic behaviors of high alkali glass-fibre-reinforced cloth composites. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 15(5):400-408 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.701)
Guangzhi Yin, Zuoan Wei, J.G. Wang, Ling Wan, Louyan Shen, 2008. Interaction characteristics of geosynthetics with fine tailings in pullout test. Geosynthetics International; 15(6):428-436 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.227)
Wang JG, Sun W, Anand S, 2008. A microstructural analysis for crushable deformation of foam materials. Computational Materials Science; 44:195-200 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.878)
Chen B, Peng X, Wang J, Sun S, 2008. Investigation to interlaced microstructure of aragonite sheets of Chamidae shell. Computational Materials Science; 44:201-205 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.878)
Chen B, Peng XH, Fan JH, Wang JG, Sun ST, 2008. A constitutive model for casting magnesium alloy ZL101 based on the analysis of spherical void evolution. Computational Materials Science; 44:190-194 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.878; ERA: A; Citations: 2)
Wang JG, Xie H, Leung CF, 2009. A local boundary integral-based meshless method for Biot's consolidation problem. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 33(1):35-42 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.596)
Wang JG, Sun W, Anand S, 2009. Numerical investigation on active isolation of ground shock by soft porous layers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 321(3-5):492-509 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.613)
Wang JG, Zhang Y, 2009. Numerical simulation for geofluid focusing and penetration due to hydraulic fracture. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 101(1):111 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.952)
Wei ZA, Yin GZ, Li GZ, Wang JG, Wan L, Shen LY, 2009. Reinforced terraced fields method for fine tailings disposal. Minerals Engineering, 22:1053-1059 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.207)
Wang JG, Zhang Y, Liu JS, Zhang BY, 2010. Numerical simulation of geofluid focusing and penetration due to hydraulic fracture. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 106:211-218 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.952)
Wang ZL, Wu LP, Wang JG, 2010. A study of constitutive relation and dynamic failure for SFRC in compression. Construction and Building Materials, 24(4):1358-1363 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.293)
Wang ZL, Wu LP, Wang JG, 2010. Experimental and numerical analysis on effect of fibre aspect ratio on mechanical properties of SRFC. Construction and Building Materials, 24(4):559-565 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.293)
Chen B, Yuan Q, Fan JH, Wang JG, Luo J, 2010. Fiber-continuous pillar-board biocomposite structure in tumblebug. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24(1-2):191-200 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.358)
Chen B, Luo J, Wang JG, Yuan Q, Fan JH, 2010. Intersectant microstructure of hydroxyapatite sheet of shankbone. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24(1-2):201-208 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.358)
Chen B, Yuan Q, Wang JG, Liao XJ, Sun ST, 2010. Screwy microstructure of hydroxyapatite sheets of shank bone. Computational Materials Science, 49:S2-S5 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.878)
Chen B, Yuan Q, Wang JG, Liao XJ, Sun ST, 2010. Elastoplastic constitutive equations considering void evolution. Computational Materials Science, 49:S6-S9 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.878)
Wang ZL, Yang YH, Wang JG, 2010. A numerical study on effect of combined wave loadings in concrete slab. Acta Geotechnica, 5:169–175 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.905)
Wang ZL, Wang JG, Wang WJ, 2010. A simple numerical scheme for evaluating impact-induced compression damage in plate. Magazine of Concrete Research. 62(11):795-801 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.563)
Wang ZL, Shi ZM, Wang JG, 2011. On the strength and toughness properties of SFRC under static-dynamic compression. Composites Part B-Engineering 42:1285-1290 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.143)
Liu JS, Wang JG, Chen ZW, Wang SG, Elsworth D, Jiang Y, 2011. Impact of transition from local swelling to macro swelling on the evolution of coal permeability. International Journal of Coal Geology, 88(1):31-40. (ISI Impact Factor: 2.976)
Wang ZL, Yang D, Wang JG, 2011. Study on behaviour and strength of SFRC under combined action of compression and shear. Magazine of Concrete Research, 63(11): 829-836 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.563; ERA: A; Citations: 1)
Wang ZL, Tang Y, Wang JG, 2011. Strength and toughness properties of steel fibre reinforced concrete under repetitive impact. Magazine of Concrete Research, 63(11):883-891 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.563)
Wang JG, Kabir A, Liu JS, Chen ZW, 2012. Effect of non-Darcy flow on the performance of coal seam gas wells. International Journal for Coal Geology, 93(1):62-74 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.976)
Wei ZA, Yin GZ, Wang JG, Wan L, Jin LP, 2012. Stability analysis and supporting system design of a high-steep cut soil slope on an ancient landslide during highway construction of Tehran-Chalus. Environmental Earth Sciences, 67(6):1651-1662 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.445)
Chen B, Yin DG, Wang JG, Yuan Q, Fan JH, 2012. Laminated microstructure and toughness mechanism of abalone shell. Solid Sate Phenomena, 185:133-135 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.540)
Chen B, Yuan Q, Yin DG, Wang JG, Fan JH, 2012. Interlaced microstructures of bone. Solid Sate Phenomena, 185:126-128 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.540)
Qu HY, Liu JS, Chen ZW, Wang JG, Pan ZJ, Connell L, Elsworth D, 2012. Complex evolution of coal permeability during CO2 injection under variable temperatures. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 9:281-293 (ISI Impact Factor: 3.944)
Wang ZL, Zhou NQ, Wang JG, 2012. Using Hopkinson pressure bar to perform dynamic tensile tests on SFRC at medium strain rates. Magazine of Concrete Research, 64(8):657-664 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.563)
Wang ZL, Zhu HH, Wang JG, Zhu B, 2012. Experimental study on macroscopic mechanical behavior of SFRC under triaxial compression. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 19(8):653-662 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.701)
Wei ZA, Yin GZ, Wang JG, Wan L, Li GZ, 2013. Design, construction and management of tailings storage facilities for surface disposal in China: Case studies of failures. Waste Management & Research, 31(1):106-112 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.047)
Wang JG, Liu JS, Kabir A, 2013. Combined effects of directional compaction, non-Darcy flow and anisotropic swelling on coal seam gas extraction, International Journal of Coal Geology, 109-110:1-14 (ISI Impact Factor: 2.976)
Chen ZW, Liu JS, Kabir A, Wang JG, Pan ZJ, 2013. Impact of various parameters on the production of coalbed methane. SPE Journal, 18(5):910-923 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.011)
Yin GZ, Jiang CB, Wang JG, Xu J, 2013. Combined effect of stress, pore pressure and temperature on methane permeability in anthracite coal: An experimental study. Transport in Porous Media, 100(1):1-16 (ISI Impact Factor: 1.580)
Wang ZL, Zhu HH, Wang JG, 2013. Repeated-impact response of ultrashort steel fiber reinforced concrete. Experimental Techniques, Society for Experimental Mechanics. 37:6-13
Ye Z, Chen D, Wang JG, 2014. Evaluation of non-Darcy effect for coalbed methane wells. Fuel, 121:1-10
Wang JG, Peng Y, 2014. Numerical modeling for the combined effects of two-phase flow, deformation, gas diffusion and CO2 sorption on caprock sealing efficiency. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 144:154-167
Zhao L, Yang P, Wang JG, Zhang LC, 2014. Cyclic direct shear behaviors of frozen soil-structure interface under constant normal stiffness condition. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 102:52-62
Zhao L, Yang P, Wang JG, Zhang LC, 2014. Impacts of surface roughness and loading conditions on cyclic direct shear behaviors of an artificial frozen silt-structure interface. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 106-107:183-193
Peng R, Ju Y, Wang JG, Xie H, Gao F, Mao L, 2015. Energy dissipation and release during coal failure process in conventional triaxial compression. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 48:509-526
Wang JG, Ju Y, Gao F, Peng Y, Gao Y, 2015. Effect of CO2 anisotropic sorption and swelling on caprock sealing efficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103:685-695
Guangzhi Yin, Changbao Jiang, J. G. Wang, Jiang Xu, 2015. Geomechanical and flow properties of coal from loading axial stress and unloading confining pressure tests. J of Rock mechanics and Mining Science, 76:155-161
Tongqiang Xia, Fubao Zhou, Feng Gao, Jianhong Kang, Jishan Liu, J.G. Wang, 2015. Simulation of coal self-heating processes in underground Methane-rich coal seams. International Journal of Coal Geology, 141-142:1-12
Guangzhi Yin, Minghui Li, J.G. Wang, Jiang Xu, Wenpu Li, 2015. Mechanical behaviors and permeability evolution of gas infiltrated coals during protective layer mining: An experimental study. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 80:292-301
Jia Liu, J.G. Wang, Feng Gao, Yang Ju, Xiangxiang Zhang, Lai-Chang Zhang, 2016. Flow consistency between non-Darcy flow in fracture network and non-linear diffusion in matrix to gas production rate in fractured shale gas reservoirs. Transport in Porous Media, 111:97-121
J.G. Wang, Yang Ju, Feng Gao, Jia Liu, 2016. A simple approach for the estimation of CO2 penetration depth into a caprock layer. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 8(1):75-86
Guangzhi Yin, Changbao Jiang, J. G. Wang, Jiang Xu, Dongming Zhang, Guan Huang, 2015. A new experimental apparatus for coal and gas outburst simulation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 49:2005-2013
Guangzhi Yin, Minghui Li, J.G. Wang, Jiang Xu, Wenpu Li, 2015. Mechanical behaviors and permeability evolution of gas infiltrated coals during protective layer mining: An experimental study. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 80:292-301
Jia Liu, J.G. Wang, Feng Gao, Yang Ju, Furong Tang, 2016. Impact of micro- and macro-consistent flows on well performance in fractured shale gas reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, online
Yang YH, Wei ZA, Yin GZ, Wang JG, Wang WS, Chen YL, 2016. Uniaxial compression test of frozen tailings. Gold Regions Science and Technology, 129:60-68
J.G. Wang, Yang Ju, Feng Gao, Jia Liu, 2016. A simple approach for the estimation of CO2 penetration depth into a caprock layer. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 8(1):75-86
Teng Teng, J.G. Wang, Feng Gao, Yang Ju, Changbao Jiang, 2016. A thermally sensitive permeability model for coal-gas interactions including thermal fracturing and volatilization. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 32:319-333
Teng Teng, J.G. Wang, Feng Gao, Yang Ju, Tongqiang Xia, 2016. Impact of water film evaporation on gas transport property in fractured wet coal seams. Transport in Porous Mediua, 113:357-382
Teng Teng, J.G. Wang, Feng Gao, Yang Ju, 2016. Complex thermal coal gas interactions in heat injection enhanced CBM recovery. Journal of natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34:1174-1190
Xiangxiang Zhang, J.G. Wang, Feng Gao, Yang Ju, Jia Liu, 2017. Impact of water and nitrogen fracturing fluids on fracturing initiation pressure and flow pattern in anisotropic shale reservoirs. Computers and Geotechnics, 81:59-76
王建国, 濮家骝, 李广信, 1989. 不同本构模型预测饱和土孔压生成的研究. 岩土工程学报; 11(5):51-63
范镜泓,王建国,1989.土的内时本构模型及其与经典塑性模型的关系,力学学 报 21(增刊):56-61
王建国,1991. 滑坡中短期预测方法的研究,重庆大学学报,14(3):67-72
王建国, 范镜泓, 1991. 剪缩土的内时本构模型, 重庆大学学报,14(4):1-7
王建国, 陈斌, 1993. 关于土的特性及认识理论的思考, 重庆大学学报,16(3):25-29
王志亮, 王振宝, 王建国, 2004. 用等阶径向点插值法计算高速公路断面沉降,岩石力学与工程学报,3(12):2049-2053
王志亮,王建国,殷宗泽, 2004. 不等阶多项式基径向点插值法求解非线性固结问题. 岩石力学与工程学报,23(8):1353-1357
王志亮, 黄景忠, 范书群, 王建国, 2006. 岩石爆破中塑性压剪损伤的数值模拟, 火炸药学报, 29(5):1-4, 16
王志亮, 王建国, 李永池, 2006. 单临空面岩体中爆破诱发损伤的数值分析. 岩 土 力 学, 27(2):219-223,227.
李全明, 于玉贞, 张丙印, 王建国, 2006. 压实黏土的脆性断裂模型及有限元算法, 岩 土 力 学, 27(9):1527-1531
李全明, 张丙印, 于玉贞, 王建国, 2007. 土石坝水力劈裂发生过程的有限元数值模拟, 岩 土 工程 学报, 29(2):212-217
张琰,王建国, 张丙印, 2008. 径向基点插值无网格法与有限元耦合法,清华大学学报(自然科学版), 48(6):951-954
张 琰, 王建国, 张丙印, 李全明, 2009. 土坝裂缝开展的无单元法数值模拟,岩土工程 学报, 31(5):727-731
孙伟, 王建国 ,姜绍飞, 2009. 减小高速列车荷载对地面结构损害的数值分析,爆炸与冲击, 29(2):155-161
廖雪娇, 王建国, 尹光志, 秦鸿, 2010. 减低交通荷载引起地面振动的三维数值分析. 公路交通科技(學術版), 27(11):43-48
Production Optimization Unit (My Duty: unit coordinator, full lectures. Student level: 27 undergraduate students and 54 MOGE students, total students: 81)
Reservoir Engineering Unit (My Duty: lectures (40%), tutorials, assignment marking, weekly consultation, examination paper preparation, examination supervision and examination paper marking. Student level: 29 undergraduate students and 69 MOGE students, total students: 98)
Reservoir Simulation Unit (My Duty: lectures (40%), computer-laboratory tutorials, examination paper preparation, examination supervision and examination paper marking. Student level: 29 undergraduate students and 69 MOGE students, total students: 98)
Reservoir and Well Performances Unit (My Duty: unit coordinator, full lectures. Student level: 22 undergraduate students and 52 MOGE students, total students: 73)
Thermofluid 2 unit – thermodynamics and fluid dynamics (My Duty: tutorials. Student level: 300 undergraduate students)
Drilling and Completion Engineering Unit (My Duty: unit coordinator. Student level: 29 undergraduate students and 86 MOGE students, total students: 115)
弹性力学基础 (本科生)
弹性力学 (硕士研究生)
(MOGE refers to Master of Oil and Gas Engineering)
(CUMT) 指导中国矿业大学大学生创新团队 (2016)
(CUMT) 指导完成毕业论文学生: 一名
(CUMT) 指导完成中国矿业大学大学生创新团队 (2015)
(UWA) Final year students projects: 18 honor students
(UWA) MOGE student research thesis: 6 students for Master of Oil and Gas Engineering (MOGE)
Co-supervised and completed 5 PhD students in The University of Western Australia
Successfully supervised and completed 8 PhD students, 7 master students and 3 final-year honor students in The National University of Singapore
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