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姓 名 郑玉婴
学 历 博士
学 位 博士
职称/职务 教授
1978.7~1982.7 福州大学物理化学专业,获学士学位。
1997.8~2001.9 福州大学化学工程专业(高分子化工方向),获硕士学位。
2002.2~2005.3 福州大学化学工程专业(高分子化工方向),获博士学位。
1982.7~1996.5 在福州塑料科学技术研究所工作,从事高分子化工研究开发。先后任开发办主任、中试工厂厂长、助理所长、副所长等职务。
1996.6~迄今 在福州大学从事高分子教学和研究工作。现为福州大学材料科学与工程学院副院长,福建省功能高分子材料工程技术研究中心主任,福州大学高分子科学与技术研究所所长,校聘一级科研专任岗位责任教授。
先后主持19项国家级和省级重大重点科研项目的研究, 完成的科研成果大部份已转化为生产力,取得良好的经济效益和社会效益。获主持的10项省科学技术进步奖,其中二等奖2项,三等奖8项;获主持的2项福建省优秀新产品奖,其中二等奖1项,三等奖1项;获主持的1项全国发明展览会的金奖;获主持指导的1项“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛决赛三等奖;已授权国家发明专利14项,并申请受理12项国家发明专利;发表研究论文80余篇,其中50篇被SCI、EI收录。
[1] Yuying Zheng,Songfang Zhao,Lei Cheng, et al. Synthesis and reaction kinetics model of suspension phase grafting polypropylene with dual monomers.Polymer Bulletin, 2010,64: 771-782;
[2]Shangchang Qiu,Yuying Zheng*,Anran Zeng,Yong Guo.Prediction of non-isothermal crystallization parameters for isotactic polypropylene.Thermochimica Acta,2011,512:28-33;
[3]Shangchang Qiu,Yuying Zheng*,Anran Zeng,Yong Guo. non-isothermal crystallization of monomer casting polyamide 6/ functionalized MWNTs nanocomposites. Polymer Bulletin,2011,67(9):1945-1959;
[4] Songfang Zhao, Shangchang Qiu, Yuying Zheng*, et al.Synthesis and characterization of kaolin with polystyrene via in-situ polymerization and their application on polypropylene. Materials and Design, 2011, 32: 957-963;
[5] Anran Zeng, Yuying Zheng*, Shangchang Qiu,Yong Guo.Isothermal Crystallization and Melting Behavior of Polypropylene with Lanthanum Complex of Cyclodextrin Derivative as a ß-nucleating Agent. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011,121(6): 3651-3661;
[6]Yuying Zheng, Songfang Zhao, Anran Zeng, Yong Guo.The application of Response Surface Methodology on the synthesis of grafted Polypropylene throughsolvothermal route.Advances in Polymer Technology,2011;
[7] Anran Zeng, Yuying Zheng*, Shangchang Qiu, Yong Guo, Baoming Li.Mechanical properties and Crystallization Behavior of Polypropylene with Cyclodextrin Derivative as β-nucleating agent.Colloid and Polymer Science,2011, 289:1157–1166;
[8] Yong Guo, Yuying Zheng*, Shangchang Qiu Anran Zeng, et al.Metal lanolin fatty caid as novel thermal stabilizers for rigid poly(vinyl chloride). JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS,2011,29(5):401-406;
[9]Songfang Zhao, Lei Cheng, Yong Guo, Yuying Zheng*, Baoming Li. PA6 and Kevlar fiber reinforced isotactic polypropylene: structure, mechanical properties and crystallization and melting behavior. Materials & Design,2011,已录用;
[10] Anran Zeng, Yuying Zheng*, Yong Guo, Shangchang Qiu, Lei Cheng. Effect of Tetra-needle-shaped Zinc Oxide Whisker (T-ZnOw) on Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Isotactic Polypropylene. Materials & Design, 2012,34:691–698
曾承担过本科生常用塑料、聚合物成型与加工、橡胶和塑料改性课曾承担过本科生常用塑料、聚合物成型与加工、橡胶和塑料改性课程教学。 曾承担过研究生高分子化学与物理、聚合物近代分析方法、高分子研究进展、功能高分子材料和高分子合金等课程教学
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