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2016 - Zhejiang University International Graduate Students Summar School: Quantum Correlation and Group -Algebra Theory
Aim of Zhejiang University Summer School
Since the 21st century, Quantum information theory and relevant technique has obtained unexpected development. And based on Quantum Information theory which rooted in principles of Quantum Mechanics, things like quantum computation, quantum code, quantum simulation and quantum communication have become hot topics of researches. Quantum computers can have an exponential advancement in computation and solve some important problems which are quite hard for traditional computers. In consideration of the bright prospect of the new techniques, recently, more and more countries begin to invest much in relevant researches. In Western countries, not only the government, but also the enterprise like Google, Microsoft and IBM have set up research institutes with the help of universities, sparing no effort in making superconductive chips and other quantum information technique practical. To take the high ground of future information theory, developing information techniques based on quantum device, particularly in important fields of quantum computation, quantum simulation and quantum communication, will inevitably become the key of science researches.
To cultivate experts in mathematics, physics, information and computation, to enlarge the influence of Zhejiang University on the researches of quantum information and quantum computation, and to strengthen communications between Zhejiang University and the universities abroad, we are to hold the 2016 - Zhejiang University International Graduate Students Summer School:
Quantum Correlation and Group C *-Algebra Theory
This program is primarily intended for graduate students in the famous university of the world. The applicants should be recommended by their supervisors and it would be better if they had published some papers.
For the excellent students, the Summer School will provide travel funding and local fee 1000-2000 dollars.
Moreover, to improve the education of graduate students of Zhejiang University, we will recruit 20 excellent students from the universities of 985 Project. For those who make good performance and succeed in passing the interview, we can award them the pre-admission of Zhejiang University 2017 graduate students. Summer school will pay them tickets to Hangzhou (only one-trip) and part of accommodation and board wages during their stay in Hangzhou.
The Mathematics School of Zhejiang University is now accepting applications.The application deadline is July 15, 2016. All apply forms send to Professor Wu Junde, his e-mail: wjd@zju.edu.cn
Content of Summer School
Problems about quantum correlation stem from Einstein and others gedanken experiment. Quantum entanglement is the most important quantum correlation, and until now, just utilizing quantum entanglement, people invent quantum teleportation, which is one way of instantaneous information sending. Recently, researchers find that group C *-algebra and operator space theory can be another important tool to study quantum correlation and discrimination of quantum states. In particular, these theory can be the cornerstone to study the compatibility theory of Tsirelson's quantum measurement. Thus, Summer School will invite two world-famous experts from France and Spain to give lectures about frontal problems of quantum correlation, quantum geometric discord and quantum state discrimination, and using group C *-algebra theory, operator space theory to study quantum information. Meanwhile, we will organize 5-10 students to give symposiums on these issues. And on the last day, we plan to visit Zhejiang University and introduce its history.
Introduction of the Experts
Professor Dominique Spehner, he comes from French National Center for Scientific Research, He is a famous expert in quantum correlation, quantum geometric discord and quantum state discrimination.
Professor Carlos Palazuelos, he comes from Spain Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas, He is a famous expert in applying operator space and group C *-algebra theory to study quantum correlation. Moreover, he has published several far-reaching papers in important Journals, such as Communications in Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Physical Review Letters and J. Functional Analysis.
Schedule of Summer School(July 3-July 23)
July 3 is used for registration. July 4, 8:00-9:00 opening ceremony
July 4-20, Lectures 50-60 hours.
July 21-22, Symposias 10-12 hours.
July 23, visit Zhejiang University, introduce the school history and the closing ceremony.
Contact information
Professor Junde Wu, School of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China, E-mail: wjd@zju.edu.cn
Apply form:Apply form (English).doc
量子关联与群C *-代数理论
我们的招生对象是国际著名大学的研究生,他们需要在量子理论与算子代数等方面有一定的研究基础,在国际著名期刊发表过重要论文以及导师的推荐。被录取的国外优秀研究生,我们将提供 1000–2000 美元的机票和在杭生活补助。
量子关联问题起源于爱因斯坦等人的思想实验, 量子纠缠是最重要的量子关联。目前人们正是利用量子纠缠, 发明了量子隐形传态技子,即瞬间传送信息的方法。最近,人们发现群C *-代数理论与算子空间理论是研究量子关联、量子态区分的重要工具。特别是,群C *-代数理论与算子空间理论是研究Tsirelson量子测量相容性理论的基石。为此,暑期学校将邀请来自法国、西班牙的国际著名专家以群C *-代数理论和算子空间理论为工具,就量子关联、量子几何失协、量子态的区分等前沿问题做专题系列讲座,同时,安排5-10名学员做这方面的研讨报告。最后,安排一天参观校园,介绍校史。
Dominique Spehner 教授,法国国家科学研究中心教授。他是量子关联方面的国际著名专家,是量子几何失协理论和量子态区分理论的重要研究者之一。
Carlos Palazuelos 教授,西班牙卡鲁特斯大学教授。他是以群C *-代数理论与算子空间理论为工具研究量子关联的国际著名权威。Carlos Palazuelos 教授在数学物理通讯、美国数学进展、物理评论快报、泛函分析等国际著名杂志发表了多篇影响深远的研究论文。
暑期学校日程安排 (7月3日-7月23日)
7月4-20, 专题讲座 50-60学时。
电子邮件: wjd@zju.edu.cn
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