- 所属分类:
- 作者:
(法)吉尔 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787544620352
- 出版日期:2011-3-1
- 原价:
丹尼尔?吉尔(Daniel Gile):法国巴黎新索邦大学(第三大学)高级翻译学院教授,长期从事专业口笔译工作及相关教学与研究,成绩斐然,是国际笔译界公认的专家。
CHAPTERl. Theoretical components in interpreter andtranslatortraining
1.The role of training ininterpreting and translation
2.The components of Translation competence
3.The diversity oftraining requirements
3.1 In.itial trainingprogrammes for newcomers to Translation
3,2 Conversioncourses/further training/continuingeducation forpracticing Translators
4.The need for optimization in formal Translator training
5.The process-oriented approachin Translator training
6.Potential benefits of theoretical components in interpreter and translator training
7.Potenhal criteria and rules for theoretical components for training
8.Where and how to find theoretical components for Translator training
9.The models17
10. This chapter's mainideas18
CHAPTER2.Communication and quality in interpreting andtranslation
1. Introduction
2.ProfessionalTranslation: An act of communication
2.1 Non-professional Translation
2.2The Actors'configuration in professional Translation
2.3Awareness of Translation and its effects
3.Aims and intenhons
3.1Fundamental aims and intentions
3.2Macro-Ievel and micro-level aims
3.3The communication actors'aims and professional loyalty
3.3.1Convergence and divergence of aims
3.3.2 Professional loyalty
4.Content and Packaging
5.1The criteria
5.2Discourseand qualitycomponents
5.3The perception of quality: positions
5.4The perception of quality: motivation and attention
5.5Behavioural components of quality
6.Socialstatus and quality
7.Teaching suggestions
8.What students need to remember
APPENDIX-A demonstrahon in the classroom for written translation43
2. Anexperimentinfidelity
2.1Phase one: verbalizing a simple idea
2.1.1 Framing Information
2.1.2 Linguistically/Culturally Induced Inforrrmtion
2.1.3 Personal Information
2.2Phase two, version1:translating a simple statement
2.3Phase two, version2:immediate replication
3. Principlesoffidelity
3.The Message
3.2 Framing Information
3.3 Linguistically/Culturallylnducedlnformation
3.4 Personal Information
3.5 Conclusion
4.3econdary Information: an obstacle and a help
4.1 Thelanguage-specificity of LCII-generatedproblems
4.2Interpreting us.translation from the Secondary In:formation perspective
5.Teaching suggestions
5.1 Theexperiment
5.2 A road-map metaphor
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