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学校: 复旦大学
专业: 工学->电子科学与技术->微电子学与固体电子学
年级: 2020
招生人数: 2
招生状态: 正在招生中
English below
一、 学校及合作导师简介:
二、 导师介绍:
Riaud教授在Centrale Lille大学(机械工程)和清华大学(化学工程)共同完成了他的理学硕士学位。 他于2016年在巴黎第六纳米科学研究所和里尔电子,微电子和微系统研究所工作的里尔1大学获得声学,微电子和电信博士学位。 法国机械学会(AFM)将他的博士论文列为2015-2017(2年)期间法国五大最佳论文之一。
自2018年以来,Pr. Riaud是复旦大学的年轻研究员。 他希望长期留在中国,寻找优秀的学生加入团队,共同努力。
他的研究团队主要从事生物技术声学和流体动力学微系统的基础研究。 他的研究兴趣包括声学镊子,微流体,声学,机器学习和数值模拟。 该团队已发表在science advances,physical review applied(3),Sensors and actuators B: chemical, langmuir,journal of fluid mechanics,journal of chemical engineering等,其h因子为12.他申请了3项pct专利。
更多关于我们的网站: http://homepage.fudan.edu.cn/ariaud/
三、 应聘材料:
应聘者请将应聘材料用附件形式发送至antoine_riaud [at] fudan.edu.cn,邮件标题请注明“博士生应聘-单位-姓名”。我们将会尽快完成初审,初审合格者,将另行通知面试(未录用者,材料恕不退还)。
1. About the university:
Fudan university is one of the earliest units in china to research and develop microelectronics technology. Founded in April 2013, the institute of microelectronics is a teaching and research unit directly under the leadership of the school. Its predecessor was the semiconductor physics major founded by professor Xie Xide in 1958.
2. PI introduction
Professor Riaud did his master of science at jointly at Centrale Lille University (mechanical engineering) and Tsinghua University (chemical engineering). He obtained his phd in acoustics, microelectronics and telecommunications in 2016 from Lille 1 university working at the Paris 6 institute of nanoscience and Lille institute of electronics, microelectronics and microsystems. The french mechanical society (AFM) ranked his phd thesis among the top 5 best thesis of France over the 2015-2017 (2 years) period.
Since 2018, Pr. riaud is Young Researcher at fudan university. He wants to stay in China for the long term and looks for outstanding students to join the team and work together.
His research team is mainly engaged in fundamental advances on acoustic and hydrodynamic microsystems for biotechnologies. His research interests include acoustic tweezers, microfluidics, acoustics, machine learning and numerical simulations. The team has published in science advances, physical review applied (3), Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, langmuir, journal of fluid mechanics, journal of chemical engineering and so on, and has an h factor of 12. he has applied for 3 pct patents.
more on our website: http://homepage.fudan.edu.cn/ariaud/
3. application materials:
1. cv (recent photos, please include: date of birth, educational background from university, work resume, research results, mailing address and contact number, etc.);
2. relevant materials that reflect my academic level, such as: personnal projects, representative papers, awards, future research plans, etc.
4. contact information:
applicants should send the application materials to antoine_riaud [at] fudan.edu.cn in the form of an attachment. please indicate the title of "ph.d. candidate - unit - name". we will complete the preliminary examination as soon as possible, and those who pass the preliminary examination will be notified separately (no answer after 2 weeks means that the applications was rejected).
删除信息请联系 tiaoji@163.com