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分类:导师信息 来源:武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2019-07-23 相关院校:武汉理工大学
2009/09 - 2014/06,华中科技大学,材料加工工程专业,博士
2005/09 - 2009/07,武汉理工大学,材料成型及控制工程专业,学士
2016/10 - 现在,武汉理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授、硕士生导师
2014/07 - 2016/9,武汉理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师
1、湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2015CFB167):复杂结构 SiC 陶瓷件增材制造技术基础研究,10万元,项目负责人,2015年-2017年。
1、Liu K, Sun H J, Shi Y S, et al.Research on selective laser sintering of Kaolin-epoxy resin ceramic powders combined with cold isostatic pressing and sintering Ceramics International. 2016, 42(9): 10711-10718. (SCI收录)
2、Liu K, Shi Y S, Li C H, et al. Indirect selective laser sintering of epoxy resin-Al2O3 ceramic powders combined with cold isostatic pressing[J]. Ceramics International. 2014, 40(5): 7099-7106. (SCI收录)
3、Liu K, Shi Y S, He W T, et al. Densification of alumina components via indirect selective laser sintering combined with isostatic pressing[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2013, 67:2511–2519. (SCI收录)
4、He W T, Liu K, Wei Q S, et al. Numerical simulation of cold isostatic pressed alumina parts produced by selective laser sintering and part shape optimization[J]. Ceramics International. 2013, 39: 9683–9690. (SCI收录
5、Song X H, Li W, He W T, Liu K, et al. Selective laser sintering of aliphatic-polycarbonate/hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds for medical applications.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2015,81:(1-4): 15-25. (SCI收录)
6、Wang ZJ,Shi YS,HeWT,Liu K, et al. Compound process of selective laser processed alumina parts densified by cold isostatic pressing and solid state sintering: Experiments, full process simulation and parameter optimization.Ceramics International. 2015, 41(2): 3245-3253. (SCI收录)
7、史玉升, 刘凯,李晨辉等. 氧化锆零件选择性激光烧结/冷等静压复合成形技术研究. 机械工程学报. 2014, 50(21): 118-123. (EI收录)
8、史玉升,刘凯, 贺文婷等. 选择性激光烧结/冷等静压复合制造高密度Al2O3异形陶瓷件的研究[J]. 应用激光.2013, 33:1-6
9、贺文婷, 魏青松, 刘凯等. 数值模拟在氧化铝陶瓷SLS/CIP过程中的应用[J]. 材料科学与工艺. 2014,22(4):56-60
10、刘文广, 史玉升, 刘凯等. 基于选择性激光烧结技术的艺术瓷成形方法研究. 陶瓷学报. 2014, 35(4): 425-428.
1.Name: Liu Kai
2.Brief introduction:
1)Date of birth: 02/1987
3)Title: Associate Professor
4)Working department: Manufacturing and Processing of Materials,School of MaterialsScience and Engineering.
3.Education experience(after entering university):
2009.9- 2014.6
Doctor of Material Processing Engineering,
School of Materiasl Science and Engineering,
Huazhong University of Science andTechnology.
Bachelor of Material Processing and Control Engineering,
School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Wuhan University of Technology.
4.Working experience:
2016.10- present Associate Professor of Material Processing Engineering, School of Material Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
2014.7- 2016.9 Lecturer of Material Processing Engineering, School of Material Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
5.Research field(no more than 3):
1) Powder based laser selective sintering technology
2) Powder based 3DP technology
3) Free extrusion 3D printing technology
4)3D printing application technology in building materials (ceramics, cement, etc.), aerospace, biomedical, cultural and creative fields
6.Research project(no more than 5):
1) Project of Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province(2015CFB167):Basic research on the manufacturing technology of complex structure of SiC ceramic parts,100,000 RMB, Principle Investigator,2015-2017.
2) Enterprise project(20141h0451):Research on 3D printing technology of SiC ceramics,600,000 RMB, Principle Investigator,2014-2016.
3) Open fund of Key Laboratory of refractory materials and metallurgy(G201609):Basic research on key technology of high temperature SiCceramic selectivelasersintering of complex structure, 50,000 RMB, Principle Investigator,2016-2017.
4) Independent innovation research foundation of Wuhan University of Technology(2015IVA002):Research on laser 3D printing ofsilicon carbide ceramic and its densification law,50,000 RMB, Principle Investigator,2015-2016.
5) Major national science and technology(2013ZX02104001-002):Near net shaping technology of high-end ceramic parts for IC equipment,6970,000 RMB, Main Technical Person,2013-2017.
7.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
1) Liu K, Shi Y S, Li C H, et al. Indirect selective laser sintering of epoxy resin-Al2O3 ceramic powders combined with cold isostatic pressing[J]. Ceramics International. 2014, 40(5): 7099-7106. (SCI)
2) Liu K, Shi Y S, He W T, et al. Densification of alumina components via indirect selective laser sintering combined with isostatic pressing[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2013, 67:2511–2519. (SCI)
3) He W T, Liu K, Wei Q S, et al. Numerical simulation of cold isostatic pressed alumina parts produced by selective laser sintering and part shape optimization[J]. Ceramics International. 2013, 39: 9683–9690. (SCI)
4) Song X H, Li W, He W T, Liu K, et al. Selective laser sintering of aliphatic-polycarbonate/hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds for medical applications.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2015,81:(1-4): 15-25. (SCI)
5) Wang ZJ,Shi YS,HeWT,Liu K, et al. Compound process of selective laser processed alumina parts densified by cold isostatic pressing and solid state sintering: Experiments, full process simulation and parameter optimization.Ceramics International. 2015, 41(2): 3245-3253. (SCI)
6) Shi Y S, Liu K, Li C H,et al. Study on compound forming technology of zirconia parts by selective laser sintering/cold isostatic pressing. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2014, 50(21): 118-123. (EI)
7) Shi Y S, Liu K,He W T,et al. Study on the high density of Al2O3ceramic parts fabricated by selective laser sintering/cold isostatic pressing.[J]. Applied laser.2013, 33:1-6
8) Chen Y X, Liu K, Wei Q S, et al. Simulation and verification for the densification process of alumina powder by Hot Isostatic Pressing, Powder metallurgytechnology.2013, 31:174-179.
9) He W T, Wei Q S, Liu K, et al. Numerical simulation for the process of alumina ceramic in Selective Laser Sintering/Cold Isostatic Pressing process[J]. Materials science and technology.2014,22(4):56-60.
10) Liu W G, Shi Y S, Liu K et al. Research on the forming of art ceramics based on selective laser sintering technology. Journal of ceramics. 2014, 35(4): 425-428.
8.Contact information:
1) Tel:
2) E-mail: liukai19870222@163.com;victor_liu@whut.edu.cn
3) Location of lab: Room 516 in School of Material Science and Engineering office building