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分类:导师信息 来源:武汉理工大学 2018-05-25 相关院校:武汉理工大学
4、工作院系:材料科学与工程学院 无机非金属材料工程系
2001/09~2004/06 武汉大学 水工结构工程专业,获工学博士学位
1998/09~2001/07 武汉大学 环境工程专业, 获工学硕士学位
1994/09~1998/07 华北电力大学 环境工程专业,获工学学士学位
2014/07~至 今 武汉理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 教 授/ 博 导
2012/10~ 至 今 武汉理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 教 授
2011/08~2012/08 美国Clemson University土木工程系 访问学者
2007/07~2012/09 武汉理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 副教授
2005/02~2007/06 武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院 博士后
2004/06~2005/01 香港科技大学 土木工程系 访问学者
2.国家十二五支撑计划项目:耐老化沥青混合料的紫外老化性能研究, 2012/01~2014/12,100万元,项目负责人。
5.2009年度交通部西部交通建设科技项目:建筑废弃物在西部地区路基路面中的应用研究(2009 318 811 045),2009.06-2011.12,335万元,研究骨干。
[1]Meizhu Chen, Binbin Leng, Shaopeng Wu, Yang Sang. Physical, chemical and rheological properties of waste edible vegetable oil rejuvenated asphalt binders. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 66:286-298.
[2]Meizhu Chen, Feipeng Xiao, Bradley Putman, Binbin Leng, Shaopeng Wu. High temperature properties of rejuvenating recovered binder with rejuvenator, waste cooking and cotton seed oils. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 59:10-16.
[3]Juntao Lin, Meizhu Chen, Shaopeng Wu. Utilization of silicone maintenance materials to improve the moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 33:1-6.
[4]Meizhu Chen, Lu Wan, Juntao Lin. Effect of Phase Change Materials on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Mixtures. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2012, 40(5): 1-8.
[5]Meizhu Chen, Juntao Lin, Shaopeng Wu, Conghui Liu. Utilization of Recycled Brick Powder as Alternative Filler in Asphalt Mixture. Construction and Building Materials,2011, 25(4): 1532-1536.
[6]Meizhu Chen, Juntao Lin, Shaopeng Wu. Potential of recycled fine aggregates powder as filler in asphalt mixture. Construction and Building Materials, 2011, 25(10):3909-3914.
[7]Juntao Lin, Meizhu Chen, Lu Wan, Shaopeng Wu. Effect of Silicone Maintenance Materials on Asphalt Binders and Mixtures. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2012, 40(1):1-8.
[8]授权专利:自调温冷拌沥青混凝土及其制备方法。发明人: 陈美祝、吴少鹏、万路、徐光霁、洪晶. 专利号: ZL 2011 1 0042023.5 (授权日2012.09.05)
[9]授权专利:相变调温水泥沥青复合式混凝土及其制备方法。发明人:陈美祝,万路,吴少鹏, 洪晶, 冷滨滨.专利号: ZL201110444266.1 (授权日2013.07.17)
[10]冷滨滨,陈美祝,吴少鹏. 废食用植物油再生沥青的物理性能研究. 公路, 2014(02): 175-179.
1、Tel:150 713 24437
3、工作地址:硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室 水泥混凝土楼500室
1.Name:Meizhu Chen
2.Brief introduction:
1)Date of birth: November,1974
2)Degree: Ph.D
3)Title: Professor, Ph.D Supervisor
4)Working department: Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Engineering of Materials
Science and Engineering College
3.Education experience(after entering university):
2001/09~2004/06 Wuhan University, Ph.D
1998/09~2001/07 Wuhan University, M.S.
1994/09~1998/07 North China Electric Power University, B.S.
4.Working experience:
2014/07 ~ Wuhan University of Technology, Professor and PhD Supervisor
2012/10 ~ Wuhan University of Technology, Professor
2011/08~2012/08 Clemson University, Visiting Scholar
2007/07~2012/09 Wuhan University of Technology, Postdoctoral
2005/02~2007/06 Wuhan University of Technology, Associate Professor
2004/06~2005/01 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Visiting Scholar
5.Research field(no more than 3):
[1]Road Building Materials
[2]Utilization of Solid Wastes
[3]Functional Building Materials
6.Research project(no more than 5):
[1]Natural Science Foundation Project: Study on Preparion and Performance Evaluation of Temperature Control Asphalt Pavement with Phase Change Materials , 2010/01~2012/12, Project Leader.
[2]National Science and Technology Support Program: Study on Anti-aging asphalt mixture properties of ultraviolet aging, 2012/01~2014/12, Project Leader.
[3]Natural Science Foundation Project: VOC Releasing Mechanism and Preventing Technology in Bituminous Materials, 2013-2016, Technical director
[4]Hubei Provincial Communications Department Program: Application of flexible base in the mountains of medium and large pavement repair project, 2007-2009, Project Leader.
[5]Ministry of Transportation Western Transportation Construction Projects: Research and Application of Construction and Demolition Wastes Used in the Subgrade and Pavement in Western Area of China, 2009-2011, Technical director.
7.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
[1]Meizhu Chen, Binbin Leng, Shaopeng Wu, Yang Sang. Physical, chemical and rheological properties of waste edible vegetable oil rejuvenated asphalt binders. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 66:286-298.
[2]Meizhu Chen, Feipeng Xiao, Bradley Putman, Binbin Leng, Shaopeng Wu. High temperature properties of rejuvenating recovered binder with rejuvenator, waste cooking and cotton seed oils. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 59:10-16.
[3]Juntao Lin, Meizhu Chen, Shaopeng Wu. Utilization of silicone maintenance materials to improve the moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 33:1-6.
[4]Meizhu Chen, Lu Wan, Juntao Lin. Effect of Phase Change Materials on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Mixtures. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2012, 40(5): 1-8.
[5]Meizhu Chen, Juntao Lin, Shaopeng Wu, Conghui Liu. Utilization of Recycled Brick Powder as Alternative Filler in Asphalt Mixture. Construction and Building Materials,2011, 25(4): 1532-1536.
[6]Meizhu Chen, Juntao Lin, Shaopeng Wu. Potential of recycled fine aggregates powder as filler in asphalt mixture. Construction and Building Materials, 2011, 25(10):3909-3914.
[7]Juntao Lin, Meizhu Chen, Lu Wan, Shaopeng Wu. Effect of Silicone Maintenance Materials on Asphalt Binders and Mixtures. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2012, 40(1):1-8.
[8]Authorized Patents:Since Thermostat Cold Mix Asphalt Concrete and its Preparation Method. Inventors: Meizhu Chen, Shaopeng Wu,Lu Wan, Guangji Xu, Jing Hong.Patent Number: ZL 2011 1 0042023.5(2012.09.05
[9]Authorized Patents:Phase Change Thermostat Composite Asphalt Cement Concrete and its Preparation Method。Inventors:Meizhu Chen, Lu Wan, Shaopeng Wu, Jing HongBinbin Leng.Patent Number: ZL201110444266.1 (2013.07.17)
[10]Binbin Leng, Meizhu Chen, Shaopeng Wu.Research on Physical Properties of Recycled Asphalt with Waste Vegetable Oil. HIGHWAY. 2014(02): 175-179.(in Chinese)
8.Contact information:
[1]Tel: 86-150 713 24437 (mobile)
[2]E-mail: chenmzh@whut.edu.cn
[3]Location of lab: Room 500, CementConcrete Building in The State Key Lab. of Silicate Materials for Architectures.