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发表于 2014-06-19 12:39
语言学。 一、名词解释, performatives 、 parallelism clipping predication、 transferred epithet thematic structure displacement . Adjacency pair . Phrase structure rule . Hyponymy . 二、比较:1. derivational 和inflectional morphemes 2. Syntagmatic 和paradigmatic relations 三、论述,第一个是关于presupposhtion和 conventional implicature的, 第二个是 anaphoric reference and collocation can produce cohesion 英国文学史 名词解释;Aestheticism 唯美主义 Sentimentalism感伤主义 作品辩别:节选的威尼斯商人 大题:比较夏洛蒂和艾米莉小说的不同。 英美文学给作品写作者的有,Pamela 、Measure for measure 、Widowers' houses 、 I wandered lonely as a cloud 、Paradise lost 、USA ,the raven, As I lay dying ,驶向拜占庭,far from the madding crowd. 浮士德博士,A portrait of the artist as a young man. Joseph Andrew ,THE man that corrupted Hadleyburg. Mc-Teague。A lost lady. Song of myself. Winesburg Ohio. 美国文学 名词解释 lost generation和 point of view 大题:分析白鲸里船长的性格。 |
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