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发表于 2014-06-19 11:47
一. 单项选 一共十个,每个一分。 第一题考了一个steer,后面还有一个虚拟语气的考察,整体不难,专八的词汇足以应付。 二. 阅读理解 四篇阅读,一篇五个题,一共二十分。 阅读的难度比13年要高,类似于专八的难度,有一篇应该是专八的原题,是讲照相的两种观点,一种是轻视技术,以照相者为中心。另一种是重视技术的作用。希望大家能找到原题来做一做,对难度系数有所了解。 三. 改错 Determing how close theoriesapproximate the truth is day-to-day task of science. 四. 完形填空 at the turn of,考了at 五. 翻译 翻译汉译英是山大的翻译老师在给山大学生上课时讲过的一段文字,讲黄山,原文是黄山是一部天书,有看不完的风景,阅不完的图画,越往后越变态,什么如丝如帘之类的。 英译汉相对比较简单,但每一年山大的题目难度设置都不一样,所以不要以哪一次考试的难度作为衡量标准,尽量做最坏的打算。汉译英是取自2002年专八的题目。 The word "winner" and "loser" have manymeanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makessomeone else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by beingcredible, trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society. Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what theyimagine they should be; rather, they are themselves and as such do not usetheir energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence and manipulatingothers. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving andacting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between beingknowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind amask. 六.作文 题目是The Attitudes towards Ups andDowns of Life,而13年的题目是Failure,听过讲座的同学都知道14年的作文范文是关于praise的,可见山大老师对品质类作文命题的偏好 基本都答不完卷子,而且没有时间回头检查对错,所以一定要做好取舍,翻译一共50分,比去年又涨了十分,无论如何都是不能放弃的。作文25分,也不能放弃,而摘要相对来说分值大,花费时间多,从理解到总结再到英文表达,半个小时能完成就不错了,考完后很多人都认为写摘要有点得不偿失。 |
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