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江西理工大学刘诗咏教授(江西省首批双千计划青年千人入选者)团队,招收1-2名化学-有机化学、化学工程或材料化学方向调剂生 。本人长期从事有机光电材料及其有机太阳电池器件研究,欢迎有志于有机、有机光电材料、太阳电池器件及光催化研究的同学调剂到本研究团队。课题组经费充足,认真负责、悉心指导每一位研究生。
联系方式 13979799034, 微信同号。
出版著作及代表性论文 [引用次数源于Google Scholar]:
[1]S.-Y. Liu, C.-H. Wu, C.-Z. Li, H.-Z. Chen*, A. K-Y Jen*. A Tetra-Perylene Diimides Based 3D Non-Fullerene Acceptor for Efficient Organic Photovoltaics, Advanced Science, 2015, 2, 1500014 (Adv. Mater. 姐妹期刊,被 Materials views亮点报道,封面论文,IF = 15.80, 被引85次,ESI高被引论文); 一区
[2]S.-Y. Liu, M.-M. Shi, J.-C. Huang, H.-Y. Li, A. K.-Y. Jen*, H.-Z. Chen*. C–H activation: making diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives easily accessible, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 2795-2805. (IF = 10.73, JMCA 2013年度热点论文, Most Downloaded in 2013, 被引108次,ESI高被引论文,被Synfacts亮点报道,SYNFACTS, 2013, 0382);一区
[3]S.-Y. Liu, H.-Y. Li, M.-M. Shi, H. Jiang, X.-L. Hu, H.-Z. Chen*. Pd/C as a Clean and Effective Heterogeneous Catalyst for C–C Couplings toward Highly Pure Semiconducting Polymers, Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 9004 (IF = 6.01, Most Read, 被引60次,被Synfacts亮点报道,SYNFACTS, 2013, 0159); 一区
[4]S.-Y. Liu, W. Liu, J.-Qi Xu, W.-F. Fu, A. K-Y Jen, H.-Z. Chen*. Pyrene and Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based Oligomers Synthesized via Direct Arylation for OSC Applications, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 6765 (IF=8.74); (Most read, 被引61次); 一区
[5]S.-Y. Liu, J. W. Jung, C.-Z. Li, H.-Z. Chen, A. K-Y Jen*. Three-Dimensional Molecular Donors combined with Polymeric Acceptors for High Performance Fullerene-free Organic Photovoltaics, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 22162 (IF =10.8) [被引26次] 一区
[6]S.-Y. Liu*, D.-G. Wang, A.-G. Zhong, H.-R. Wen. One-step rapid synthesis of π-conjugated large oligomers via C–H activation coupling, Org. Chem. Front., 2018, 5, 653 (IF =5.45,被引12次) 一区
[7]W. Huang, Z. Shen, J. Cheng, L. Liu, K. Yang, H.-R. Wen, S-Y Liu*. C–H activation derived CPPs for photocatalytic hydrogen production excellently accelerated by a DMF cosolvent, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 24222-24230 [IF=10.73,封面论文,被引7次]; 一区
[8]S.-Y. Liu*, J. Cheng, X. Zhang, H. Liu, Z. Shen and H. Wen, Single-step access to a series of D–A π-conjugated oligomers with 3–10 nm chain lengths, Polymer Chemistry, 2019, 10, 325-330 [IF=4.97,封面论文, 被引8次]; 一区
[9]J.-Z. Cheng, L.-L. Liu, G. Liao, Z.-Q. Shen, Z. Tan, Y. Xing, X.-X. Li, K. Yang, L. Chen, S.-Y. Liu*. Achieving an unprecedented hydrogen evolution rate by solvent-exfoliated CPP-based photocatalysts, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 5890 [IF=10.73, 封面论文]; 一区
[10]X. Zhang, J. Cheng, H. Liu, Q. Shan, G. Jia, H.-R. Wen, S.-Y. Liu*. One-pot synthesis of long-chain monodisperse π-conjugated oligomers terminated by C–H or C–Br bonds, Dyes Pigments, 2020, 172, 107819 [IF=4.05]; 一区
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