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分类:导师信息 来源:中国半岛真人体育 2015-07-21 相关院校:北京林业大学
导师姓名: | 李建章 | 照片:无 | |
性别: | 男 | 出生年月: | 1966 年10 月17 日 |
院系名称: | 材料科学与技术学院 | 一级学科: | 林业工程 |
二级学科: | 木材科学与技术 | 研究方向1: | 木材胶粘剂 |
研究方向2: | 木质复合材料 | 研究方向3: | 木材改性 |
政治面貌: | 中国共产党党员 | 现任职务: | 常务副院长 |
现在职称: | 教授 | 职称评定时间: | 2008 年7 月1 日 |
导师最后学历: | 博士 | 导师最后学位: | 博士 |
获学位时间: | 1 年1 月 | 获学位单位: | 日本鸟取大学 |
是否院士: | 非院士 | 是否留学: | 是 |
留学国别: | 日本 | 留学时间: | 从 1996 年 -1 月 至 2001 年 -0 月 |
硕导、博导: | 博导 | 批硕、博导时间: | 2008 年12 月1 日 |
在读硕士: | 11人 | 毕业硕士: | 22人 |
在读博士: | 6人 | 毕业博士: | 7人 |
上岗时间: | 2009 年1 月1 日 | 现在在岗否: | 是 |
是否外聘导师: | 否 | 原外聘单位名称: | |
是否千百万人工程: | 是 | 是否长江学者: | 是 |
其它称号: | 所在学科是否博士后流动站: | 是 | |
工作简历: | 1984.9-1988.7 天津大学应用化学系高分子化工专业毕业,获学士学位; 1988.7-1996.10 北京林业大学森工学院木工系讲师; 1996.10-1998.9 日本岛根大学生物资源专业,研究生毕业,获硕士学位; 1998.10-2001.9 日本鸟取大学生物生产科学专业,研究生毕业,获博士学位; 2001.9-2013.11北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院,副教授、教授; 2013.12- 北京林业大学 特聘教授 |
教学工作: | 主讲课程:胶粘剂与涂料,高分子概论,木质复合材料与胶粘剂 | ||
研究领域: | 1.环保型胶粘剂(改性脲醛树脂、改性酚醛树脂、生物质胶粘剂) 2.环保型木质复合材料(功能性人造板、木塑复合材料、木材化学改性) |
在研课题: | 林业公益性行业专项重大项目。786万元。2012-2016,负责人 北京市自然科学基金重点项目。65万元,2015-2017,负责人 企业协作项目(多个)。290万元,2012-2017,负责人 |
论文目录: | 1. Hongyan Li, Congcong Li, Derong Zhang, Shifeng Zhang*, and Jianzhang Li*. Effects of hot-pressing parameters on shear strength of plywood bonded with soy flour-based adhesive. Industrial Crops and Products. 2014. 2. Wen Wang, Wei Zhang, Shifeng Zhang, Jianzhang Li. Preparation and characterization of microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate with UMF and its application in WPCs. Construction & Building Materials, 2014. 3. Haixin Xu, Jing Luo, Qiang Gao,* Shifeng Zhang, *and Jianzhang Li,*improved water resistance of soybean meal-based adhesive with SDS and PAM. BioRes.2014. 4. Qin, Z., Gao, Q., Zhang, S., and Li, J. (2014). "Surface free energy and dynamic wettability of differently machined poplar woods," BioRes. 2014, 9(2), 3088-3103. 5. Chen, L., Gao, Q., Zhang, J., Chen, H., Zhang, S., Li, J. (2014). "Effects of assembly time on wet shear strength and formaldehyde emission of plywood bonded by urea formaldehyde resin," BioRes. 9(2), 2975-2986. 6. ZHANG Jizhi1, KANG Hai Jiao, GAO Qiang, LI Jianzhang*, A. Pizzi*, and Luc Delmotte. Performances of larch (Larix gmelini) tannin modified urea-formaldehyde (TUF) resin and plywood bonded by TUF resin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2014. 7. Zhang, J., Wang, X., Zhang, S., Gao, Q., Li, J. (2013). Effects of Melamine Addition Stage on the Performance and Curing Behavior of Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde (MUF) Resin. BioResources, 2013, 8(4):5500-5514. 8. Zhiyong Qin, Qiang Gao, Shifeng Zhang, Jianzhang Li *. Glycidyl Methacrylate Grafted onto Enzyme-Treated Soybean Meal Adhesive with Improved Wet Shear Strength. BioResources, 2013, 8(4): 5369-5379. 9. Wubin Ding, Wenyan Li, Qiang Gao, Chunrui Han, Shifeng Zhang, Jianzhang Li *.The Effects of Sealing Treatment and Wood Species on Formaldehyde Emission of Plywood. BioResources, 2013, 8(2), 2568-2582. 10. Qiang Gao, Zhiyong Qin, Congcong Li, Shifeng Zhang*, Jianzhang Li*. Preparation of Wood Adhesives Based on Soybean Meal Modified with PEGDA as a Crosslinker and Viscosity Reducer. BioResources, 2013, 8(4): 5380-5391. 11. Wang, Xiaomei; Zhang, Jizhi; Gao, Qiang; Li, Jianzhang*. Technics and properties of plywood manufacture with modified urea-formaldehyde resin. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 602-604: 743-746. 12. Duanjiufang,lijianzhang. Study of a Novel Thermosetting Wood Surface Treatment Agent。Advanced Science Letters.2013 13. Qiang Gao, Sheldon Q. Shi,* Jianzhang Li, Kaiwen Liang, and Xiumei Zhang. Soybean meal-based wood adhesives enhanced by modified polyacrylic acid solution. Bioresources, 2012, 7(1), 946-956. 14. Dongfang Li, Jianzhang Li, and Li Li. Effects of ethylene acetate content on physical and mechanical properties of wood-plastic composites. Bioresources, 2012, 7(3),2916-2932. 15. Qiang Gao, Sheldon Q. Shi, Shifeng Zhang, Jianzhang Li,* Xiaomei Wang, Wubin Ding, Kaiwen Liang, Jinwu Wang. Soybean meal based adhesive enhanced by MUF resin. Journal of applied polymer science, 2012, 125:3676-3681. (SCI, IF:1.240). 16. Qiang Gao, Sheldon Q. Shi, Shifeng Zhang, Jianzhang Li,* Kaiwen Liang. Improved plywood strength and lowered emissions from soybean meal/MUF adhesives. Forest products journal, 2012, 61(8):688-693. (SCI, IF:0.494). 17. Qiang Gao, Sheldon Q. Shi,* Jianzhang Li, Kaiwen Liang, and Xiumei Zhang. Cellulose Nano-whiskers reinforced soybean meal based adhesive. Bioresources ,7(4), 5622-5633,2012 (SCI, IF:1.417). 18. Jiang Jinxue, Yang Yonglin, Li Cheng, Li Jianzhang. Effect of three boron flame retardants on thermal curing behavior of urea formaldehyde resin. J Therm Anal Calorim (2011) 105:223–228. (SCI) 19. Dong-Bin Fan, Jian-Min Chang, Jian-Zhang Li, Bi-Hua Xia, Zi-Tao Sang. Cure properties and adhesive performances of cure-accelerated phenol-urea-formaldehyde resins. Eur. J. Wood Prod.2011, 69 (2 ): 213-220 .(SCI、EI) 20. Hu jing, Ma mingguo, Li jianzhang. Hydrothermal preparation of boehmite-doped AgCl nanocubes and their characterization. MATERIALS LETTERS. 2011,65 (11): 1531-1534. (SCI、EI)(SCI2.117) 21. Gao, Wei; Cao, Jinzhen; Li, Jianzhang. Effect of ammonium pentaborate on cure kinetics of phenol formaldehyde resin in presence of wood. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition), v 19, n 12, p 959-968, 2010. (SCI、EI) 22. Gao wei, Cao jinzhen*, Li jianzhang, Some physical, mechanicl properties and termiter resistance of ammonium pentaborate-treated strand board; Wood Research; 2010,55(3): 61-72.(SCI) 23. Jinxue, Jiang Jianzhang Li, Jing Hu, Dongbin Fan. Effect of nitrogen phosphorus flame retardants on thermal degradation of wood. Construction and Building Materials, 2010 24(12):2633-2637. (SCI) 24. Jian-Zhang Li, Takeshi Furuno, Wen-Rui Zhou, Qiang Ren,Xiu-Zhi Han, and Jin-Ping Zhao. Properties of acetylated wood prepared at low temperature in the presence of catalysts. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 2009, 29(3):241-250. (SCI,EI) 25. Dongbin Fan, Jianzhang Li, Jianmin Chang, Jinsheng Gou and Jinxue Jiang. Chemical Structure and Curing Behavior of Phenol–Urea–Formaldehyde Cocondensed Resins of High Urea Content. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1787–1797. (SCI、EI) 26. Dongbin Fan, Jianmin Chang, Jianzhang Li. 13C-NMR Study on the Structure of Phenol-Urea-Formaldehyde Resins Prepared by Methylolureas and Phenol. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009, 112(2): 2195–2202. (SCI、EI) 27. 李建章,李文军,周文瑞,等。脲醛树脂固化机理及其应用。北京林业大学学报,2007,29(4):90-94。(EI) 28. Jian-Zhang Li, Takeshi Furuno, Wen-Rui Zhou and Zhi-Ming Yu. Properties of Colloidal Silica-Fixed and Propionylated Wood Composites (I). Preparation and Dimensional Stability of the Composites. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 2005, 25(4): 245-255. (SCI) 29. Jian-Zhang Li, Takeshi Furuno, Wen-Rui Zhou and Zhi-Ming Yu. Properties of Colloidal Silica-Fixed and Propionylated Wood Composites (II). Flame resistance and other properties of the Composites. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 2005, 25(4): 257-265. (SCI) 30. Jian-Zhang Li, Takeshi Furuno, and Sadanobu Katoh. Preparation and properties of acetylated and propionylated wood-silicate composites. Holzforschung. 2001, 55 (1):93-96. (SCI) 31. Jian-Zhang Li, Takeshi Furuno, and Sadanobu Katoh. Wood propionylation in the presence of catalysts. Wood and Fiber Science. 2001, 33(2):255-263. (SCI) 32. Jian-Zhang Li, Takeshi Furuno, Sadanobu Katoh,and Tohru Uehara. Chemical modification of wood by anhydrides without solvents or catalysts. J.Wood Science, 2000, 46(3):215-221. (SCI) 33. 李建章,古野 毅,加藤定信,上原 徹.触媒としてギ酸ナトリウムを用いた木材の低温プロピオニル化.木材学会誌. 2000, 46(5): 483-487. (SCI) 34. Jian-Zhang Li, Takeshi Furuno, and Sadanobu Katoh.Dimensional stability and flame resistance of silicate-acetylated and -propionylated wood composites. Wood Chemistry and Technology. 2000, 20(4):441-453. (SCI) |
著译目录: | |||
科研成果: | 国家技术发明二等奖(第一完成人) 北京市科学技术奖(2项:第一完成人、第三完成人) 北京市发明专利奖(第一完成人) 全国建材行业科技创新二等奖(第二完成人) |
成果推广应用情况: | 超低甲醛释放人造板用改性脲醛树脂、无醛蛋白基人造板胶粘剂等多项成果在企业应用推广。 | ||
表彰和荣誉: | 海峡两岸林业敬业奖励基金 宝钢优秀教师奖 首都教育先锋科技创新先进个人 北京市高校育人标兵 北京林业大学首届科技之星 北京林业大学教育先锋科技创新先进个人 北京林业大学优秀教师 |
主要兼职: | 中国林学会木材科学分会副理事长,木竹产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会委员中国林产工业协会专家咨询委员会专家,全国木材节约代用专家顾问组成员多家学术期刊编委 | ||
备注: | |||
办公室电话: | 010-62338083 | ||
住宅电话: | (暂不公布) | ||
传真: | 010-62338083 | ||
手机: | (暂不公布) | ||
通讯地址: | 北京林业大学材料学院 | ||
邮政编码: | 100083 | ||
电子邮件地址: | lijzh@bjfu.edu.cn | ||
主页地址: |