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分类:导师信息 来源:哈尔滨工业大学研究生院 2019-05-24 相关院校:哈尔滨工业大学
电话 0451-86424323
邮箱 daifh@hit.edu.cn
地址 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所哈尔滨市一匡街2号
1992.07-1998.09 黑龙江航道局
2004.12-2006.11 哈尔滨工业大学 讲师
2006.12-2012.11 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授
2012.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授
2016.12-至今 特种环境复合材料技术国家级重点实验室副主任
2018.06-至今 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院副院长
1989年9月-1992年7月, 就读于南京航务工程专科学校
1998年9月-2001年,3月 中国地震局工程力学研究所, 硕士研究生
复合材料结构安全与可靠性评价 讲授结构可靠度理论,复合材料结构可靠性研究的基本方法,可靠度指标与失效概率的分析技术和数值模拟方法。
智能材料与结构 讲授智能材料基本概念与发展动态,介绍常见传感器、驱动器及其应用,讲授智能材料本构特性,在结构控制、健康监测与变形结构上应用。
结构振动的智能控制 讲授结构智能控制的概念、发展以及趋势,智能驱动原理以及方法,智能控制在结构振动领域的应用。
胡建强:博士生, 研究方向: 共形承载一体化轻质结构设计及其应用;
李明: 博士生,研究方向:双稳态结构动力学分析及其组合结构设计;
李 鹏:硕士生,研究方向:柔性贴片复合膜的力学性能模拟与表征;
Fuhong Dai, Hao Li. Finite Element Analysis from Biomedical Application to Industrial Developments edited by David Moratal. Chapter 16 : Finite Element Analysis of Multi-stable Structures. Fuhong Dai, Hao Li (pp 391-406). InTech, March 2012
Weihong Jiang, Ming Li, Yongtao Yao, Fuhong Dai.Design of a multistable composite laminate by variable cross-section method and applying the displacement constraint. Materials and Design, 2018,147 :35–47,March
Diankun Pan, Fuhong Dai. Design and analysis of a broadband vibratory energy harvester using bistable piezoelectric composite laminate. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018,169 :149–160,2018 May
Hu, Jianqiang; Lin, Shu;Dai, Fuhong Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna Based on Morphing Bistable Composite Laminates IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION 2017,65(5) 5: 2196-2207 ,MAY 2017 (IF : 2.957)
Hu, Jianqiang; Pan,Diankun; Dai, Fuhong Microstrip Patch Antenna With Reconfigurable Omnidirectional and Directional Patterns Using Bistable Composite Laminates IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS 2017: 16:2485-2488, July 2017 (IF : 2.533)
Pan, Diankun; Ma,Benbiao; Dai, Fuhong. Experimental investigation of broadband energy harvesting of a bi-stable composite piezoelectric plate SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 2017: 26 (3) , MAR 2017 (IF : 2.909)
Pan, Diankun, Li, Yanqi, Dai, Fuhong. The influence of lay-up design on the performance of bi-stable piezoelectric energy harvester. Composites Structures, 2017 ; 161:227-236 (IF : 3.858)
Wang, Jingze;Dai, Fuhong; Ma, Li. A multi-scale moisture diffusion coupled with stress model for composite materials COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 2017, 171: 345-359,JUL 2017 (IF : 3.858)
Wang, Jingze; Li, Yanqi;Dai, Fuhong. Amicromechanical relaxation model of composite bolted connections based on viscoelastic theory.Composites Structures, 2016 ; 146:14-25 (IF :3.853) June
Hu,Jianqiang,Dai, Fuhong. Cured shapes and snap-through loads analysis of bi-stable plyimide film hybrid composite laminates.ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and
Intelligent Systems, Stowe, VT ,SEP 28-30, 2016
Pan, Diankun; Dai, Fuhong; Li, Hao. Piezoelectric energy harvester based on bi-stablehybrid symmetric laminate. Composite Science and Technology2015 ; 119 : 34-45 (IF : 3.897)
Li, Hao, Dai, Fuhong, Du, Shanyi. Broadband energy harvesting by exploiting nonlinear oscillations around the second vibration mode of a rectangular piezoelectric bistable laminate Smart
Materials and Structures, 2015 ;24(4) : 045024 (11pp) (IF :2.769) april
Li, Hao,Dai, Fuhong, Du, Shanyi.The morphing bi-stable glass fiber-reinforced polymer laminates actuated by embedded electrothermal alloy.Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2015; 26(1): 69-78 (IF :1.975) jan
Li, Hao, Dai,Fuhong, Weaver, P. M.Bistable hybrid symmetric laminates. Composites Structures, 2014 ; 116:782-792 (IF : 3.318) Fuhong Dai, Hao Li, Shanyi Du. A multi-stable lattice structure and its snap-through behavior among multiple states. Composites Structures, 2013, 97 : 56-63 (IF : 2.240)
Fuhong Dai, Hao Li, Shanyi Du. A multi-stable wavy skin based on bi-stable laminates. Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing , 2013, 45 :102-108 (IF : 2.695)
Fuhong Dai, Hao Li, Shanyi Du. Design and analysis of a tri-stable structure based on bi-stable laminates. Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing 2012 ; 43(9) :1497-1504 (IF : 2.695)
Hao Li, Fuhong Dai, Shanyi Du. Numerical and experimental study on morphing –bi-stable composite laminates actuated by a heating method. Composite Science and Technology 2012 ; 72(14) : 1767-1773 (IF : 3.144)
Fuhong Dai, Hao Li, Shanyi Du. Cured Shapes of Bi-stable CFRP Composite Laminates with the Side Length Exceeding a Critical Value. Appl Compos Mater, 2012:1-12(IF : 0.658)
Fuhong Dai, Hao Li, Shanyi Du. Study on a new concept of multi-stable lattice structure. Proceeding of SPIE : Behaviror and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials Materials and Composites, San Diego, United States, March 12-15, 2012 ; 8342 :83421U
戴福洪,王广宁.埋微带天线蜂窝夹层结构的力电性能分析.复合材料学报,2011 28(2),231-234
Fuhong Dai, Hao Li, Shanyi Du. Prediction of critical center load for bi-stable laminates. Polymer and Polymer Composites, 2011,19(3):171-175 (IF : 0.326)
Fuhong Dai , Shanyi Du.Analysis of the mechanical and electrical performance of conformal load-bearing antenna structure.3rd Annual Meeting of the ASME/AIAA Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures, and Intelligent Systems, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 28 September–1 October,2010.09
Fuhong Dai,Boming Zhang, Shanyi Du. A novel bistable hybrid composite laminate. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials,July, 2009, Edinburgh,UK
Fuhong Dai,Boming Zhang, Shanyi Du. Cured shape prediction of the bi-stable hybrid composite laminate. Second International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, Proc. of SPIE,2009, 7493,74934p-1-7
李昊,戴福洪,杜善义,双稳定矩形非对称复合材料层板的跳变研究,复合材料学报,2009,26(2) 90-93
戴福洪,张博明,杜善义.用均匀化方法预报平纹织物的渗透率. 复合材料学报,2009,26(2):90-93
Fuhong Dai,Boming Zhang, Shanyi Du. Three-dimensional finite element analysis ofprocess-induced residual stress in resin transfermolding process. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2008,15(2):271-276