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分类:导师信息 来源:哈尔滨工业大学研究生院 2019-05-13 相关院校:哈尔滨工业大学
Basic Information/基本信息
Dr. Li MA
Professor of Engineering Mechanics
Center for Composite Materials
Harbin Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 3011, Science Park of HIT
No.2 Yi-Kuang Street, Harbin 150080, China
E-Mail: mali@hit.edu.cn
哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院 复合材料与结构研究所 教授,博士生导师。
2012年 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金
2008年 教育部新世纪优秀人才
2005年 哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文
电话 0451-86402739
邮箱 mali@hit.edu.cn
地址 哈尔滨市南岗区一匡街2号哈工大科学园A栋3011信箱
中国力学学会 第十届理事会 理事 (2014.11~)
中国力学学会 青年工作委员会 委员 (2015~)
中国力学学会 第九届固体力学专业委员会智能材料与结构专业组组员 (2015.11~)
黑龙江省力学学会 第七届理事会 理事 (2013.12~)
应用数学和力学 编委 (2013.07~)
2011年12月至今 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 教授
2009年4月至今 哈尔滨工业大学工程力学学科 博士生导师
2005年12月至2011年12月 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 副教授
2006年1月至2006年7月 法国巴黎13大学LPMTM实验室(LPMTM, Université Paris 13, France) 博士后
2004年4月至2005年12月 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 讲师
2004年4月至2005年12月 哈尔滨工程大学船舶工程学院 博士后
2003年10月至2004年4月 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所 助教
科研项目/Research Project
王信涛:入学时间:2013年3月,毕业时间:2018年7月,学位:工学博士。学位论文:三维有序负泊松比结构的设计、制备与力学性能表征。毕业去向:哈尔滨工程大学航天与建筑工程学院 (哈尔滨)
杨金水:入学时间:2012年9月,毕业时间:2017年3月,学位:工学博士。学位论文:新型轻质复合材料夹芯结构的振动阻尼特性研究。毕业去向:哈尔滨工程大学航天与建筑工程学院 (哈尔滨)
王志勇(副导师):入学时间:2008年9月,毕业时间:2013年5月,学位:工学博士。学位论文:颗粒增强复合材料断裂行为研究。毕业去向:太原理工大学力学学院 (太原)
熊 健(副导师):入学时间:2008年3月,毕业时间:2012年12月,学位:工学博士。学位论文:轻质复合材料点阵结构力学行为研究。毕业去向:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 (哈尔滨)
陈云龙:入学时间: 2016年9月, 毕业时间: 2018年7月, 学位: 工程硕士, 学位论文: 复合材料有序多孔结构阻尼机理及振动控制. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
王舒杨:入学时间: 2016年9月, 毕业时间: 2018年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 可调控热膨胀结构设计及其性能表征. 毕业去向: 上海卫星工程研究所(上海)
马国林:入学时间: 2015年9月, 毕业时间: 2017年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 复合材料负泊松比结构振动和阻尼性能研究. 毕业去向: 天津光电集团有限公司(天津)
李晓文:入学时间: 2014年9月, 毕业时间: 2016年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 零/负多孔热膨胀结构设计及其性能表征. 毕业去向: 南方科技大学攻读博士学位
亓 歌:入学时间: 2013年9月, 毕业时间: 2015年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 轻质复合材料点阵夹芯板的连接设计及性能表征. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
吴倩倩:入学时间: 2013年9月, 毕业时间: 2015年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 新型复合材料金字塔点阵结构的制备及力学性能研究. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
史 齐:入学时间: 2012年9月, 毕业时间: 2014年7月, 学位: 工程硕士, 学位论文: 负泊松比蜂窝夹芯结构性能表征及优化设计. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
蔡 振:入学时间: 2011年9月, 毕业时间: 2013年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 飞行器热结构设计及热力耦合响应分析. 毕业去向: 中航沈飞民用飞机有限责任公司(沈阳)
杨金水:入学时间: 2010年9月, 毕业时间: 2012年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 复合材料点阵夹芯结构阻尼特性的研究. 毕业去向: 哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位
熊 刚:入学时间: 2010年9月, 毕业时间: 2012年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 点阵夹芯结构吸波隐身性能研究. 毕业去向: 中船重工725所洛阳双瑞风电叶片有限公司(洛阳)
王言言:入学时间: 2009年9月, 毕业时间: 2011年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 颗粒增强复合材料三维断裂行为的数值模拟. 毕业去向: 徐州重工集团(徐州)
刘 阔:入学时间: 2008年9月, 毕业时间: 2010年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 非均匀材料动态断裂行为的数值模拟. 毕业去向: 东方电机有限公司(杭州)
王 刚:入学时间: 2007年9月, 毕业时间: 2009年7月, 学位: 工学硕士, 学位论文: 推进剂管理用金属膜片挤压变形有限元分析. 毕业去向: 中国核电工程有限公司河北分公司(石家庄)
王志勇:入学时间:2006年9月,毕业时间:2008年7月,学位:工学硕士。学位论文:非均匀材料中准静态裂纹扩展问题的数值模拟,哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生金奖。毕业去向:哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位,太原理工大学力学学院 (太原)
陆宇阳:入学时间:2009年9月,毕业时间:2013年7月,毕业论文题目:超轻周期型桁架夹芯结构失效机制基础理论研究,毕业去向:中国科技大学读研 (哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生)
姜立洲:入学时间:2006年9月,毕业时间:2010年7月,毕业论文题目:复合材料点阵夹芯结构振动特性研究,毕业去向:中复神鹰碳纤维有限公司(江苏 连云港)
胡 滨:入学时间:2006年9月,毕业时间:2010年7月,毕业论文题目:复合材料四面体点阵夹芯材料结构优化设计,毕业去向:哈尔滨工程大学读研
李 晖:入学时间:2003年9月,毕业时间:2007年7月,毕业论文题目:纤维柱增强复合材料夹芯结构的基本力学性能,毕业去向:
Year 2019
105. Ge Qi, Li Ma*, Shu-Yang Wang. Modeling and reliability of insert in composite pyramidal lattice truss core sandwich panels. Composite Structures. 2019, 221:110888.
104. Dong-Wei Wang, Li Ma*, Xin-Tao Wang, Zhi-Hui Wen, Christ Glorieux. Sound transmission loss of laminated composite sandwich structures with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures. 2019, 220:19-30.
103. Hang Yang, Bing Wang, Li Ma*. Designing hierarchical metamaterials by topology analysis with tailored Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus. Composite Structures. 2019, 214:359-378.
102. Hang Yang, Li Ma*. Multi-stable mechanical metamaterials by elastic buckling instability. Journal of Materials Science. 2018, 54(4): 3509-3526.
Year 2018
101. Xin-Tao Wang, Yun-Long Chen, Li Ma*. The manufacture and characterization of composite three-dimensional re-entrant auxetic cellular structures made from carbon fiber reinforced polymer. Journal of Composite Materials. 2018, 52(23): 3265-3273.
100. Li Ma*, Yun-Long Chen, Jin-Shui Yang*, Xin-Tao Wang, Guo-Lin Ma, Rüdiger Schmidt, Kai-Uwe Schr?der. Modal characteristics and damping enhancement of carbon fiber composite auxetic double-arrow corrugated sandwich panels. Composite Structures. 2018, 203:539-550.
99. Xin-Tao Wang, Bing Wang, Zhi-Hui Wen, Li Ma*. Fabrication and mechanical properties of CFRP composite three-dimensional double-arrow-head auxetic structures. Composites Science and Technology. 2018. 164, 92-102.
98. Hang Yang, Li Ma*. Multi-stable mechanical metamaterials with shape-reconfiguration and zero Poisson's ratio. Materials
and Design. 2018, 152: 181-190.
97. Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma*, Kai-Uwe Schr?der, Yun-Long Chen, Shuang Li, Lin-Zhi Wu, Rüdiger Schmidt. Experimental and numerical study on the modal characteristics of hybrid carbon fiber composite foam filled corrugated sandwich cylindrical panels. Polymer Testing. 2018, 68:8-18.
96. Ge Qi and Li Ma*. Experimental investigation of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panels with lightweight inserts. Composite Structures. 2018, 187:336-343.
Year 2017
95. Xin-Tao Wang, Bing Wang, Xiao-Wen Li, Li Ma*. Mechanical properties of 3D re-entrant auxetic cellular structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017, 131-132:396-407.
94. Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma*. Mauricio Chaves-Vargas, Tian-Xiang Huang, Kai-Uwe Schr?der, Rüdiger Schmidt, Lin-Zhi Wu. Influence of manufacturing defects on modal properties of composite pyramidal truss-like core sandwich cylindrical panels. Composites Science and Technology. 2017, 147:89-99.
93. 马力*,杨金水. 新型轻质复合材料夹芯结构振动阻尼性能研究进展. 应用数学和力学. 2017, 38(4):369-398.
92. Dong-Wei Wang Li Ma*. Sound transmission through composite sandwich plate with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures, 2017, 164:104-117.
91. Qian-Qian Wu, Li Ma, Ying Gao, Jian Xiong. A new fabrication method for hierarchical truss materials with millimeter-scale struts. Materials Letters, 2017, 186:1-6.
Year 2016
90. Qian-Qian Wu, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Jian Xiong. A novel strengthening method for carbon fiber composite lattice truss structures. Composite Structures, 2016, 153:585-592
89. Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma*, Rüdiger Schmidt, Ge Qi, Kai-Uwe Schr?der, Jian Xiong, Lin-Zhi Wu. Hybrid lightweight composite pyramidal truss sandwich panels with high damping and stiffness efficiency. Composite Structures, 2016, 148:85-96
88. Xin-Tao Wang, Xiao-Wen Li, Li Ma*. Interlocking assembled 3D auxetic cellular structures. Materials & Design, 2016, 99:467-476.
Year 2015
87. Jin-Shui Yang, Jian Xiong, Li Ma*, Li-Na Feng, Shu-Yang Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Modal response of all-composite corrugated sandwich cylindrical shells. Composites Science and Technology, 2015, 115:9-20.
86. Guo-Cai Yu, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Xiong. Low velocity impact of carbon fiber aluminum laminates. Composite Structures, 2015, 119:757-766.
Year 2014
85. Zhi-Yong Wang, Li Ma, Hong-Jun Yu, Lin-Zhi Wu. Dynamic stress intensity factors for homogeneous and non-homogeneous materials using the interaction integral method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 128:8-21
84. Bing Wang, Guo-Qi Zhang, Shi-Xun Wang, Li Ma, Li, Lin-Zhi Wu. High velocity impact response of composite lattice core sandwich structures. Applied Composite Materials, 2014, 21(2):377-389.
83. Jin-Shui Yang, Jian Xiong, Li Ma*, Guo-Qi Zhang, Xin-Tao Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Study on vibration damping of composite sandwich cylindrical shell with pyramidal truss-like cores. Composite Structures, 2014, 117: 362-372.
82. Jian Xiong, R. Ghosh, Li Ma, H. Ebrahimi, A.M.S. Hamouda, A. Vaziri, Lin-Zhi Wu. Bending behavior of lightweight sandwich-walled shells with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures, 2014, 116(1): 793-804.
81. Jiayi Liu, Xiang Zhu, Tianyun Li, Zhengong Zhou, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma. Experimental study on the low velocity impact responses of all-composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panel after high temperature exposure. Composite Structures, 2014, 116(1): 670-681.
80. Sha Yin, Lin-Zhi Wu, Jin-Shui Yang, Li Ma, Steven Nutt. Damping and low-velocity impact behavior of filled composite pyramidal lattice structures. Journal of Composite Materials. 2014, 48(15): 1789-1800.
79. Jia Lou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Bing Wang. Effects of local damage on vibration characteristics of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich structures. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2014, 62:73-87
78. Jian Xiong, Meng Zhang, Ariel Stocchi, Hong Hu, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhong Zhang. Mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite sandwich columns with three dimensional honeycomb cores under in-plane compression. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2014, 60: 350-358
77. Jia-Yi Liu, Xiang Zhu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. Effects of thermal exposure on mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panel. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2014, 60: 82-90
76. Jian Xiong, Bing Wang, Li Ma, J. Papadopoulos, A. Vaziri, Lin-Zhi Wu. Three-dimensional Composite Lattice Structures Fabricated by Electrical Discharge Machining. Experimental Mechanics. 2014, 54(3):405-412
75. Bing Wang, Guo-Qi Zhang, Qi-Lin He, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Ji-Cai Feng. Mechanical behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite sandwich panel with 2-D lattice truss cores. Materials & Design. 2014, 55:591-596
74. Guo-Qi Zhang, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Shi-Dong Pan, Jin-Shui Yang. Energy absorption and low velocity impact response of polyrethane foam filled pyramidal lattice core sandwich panels. Composite Structures. 2014, 108:304-310.
73. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Ariel Stocchi, Jin-Shui Yang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Shi-Dong Pan. Bending response of carbon fiber composite sandwich beams with three dimensional honeycomb cores. Composite Structures, 2014, 108:234-242.
72. Jian Xiong, Ranajay Ghosh, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri, Yu-Long Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Sandwich-walled cylindrical shells with lightweight metallic lattice truss cores and carbon fiber-reinforced composite face sheets. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2014, 56:226-238
Year 2013
71. Jin-Shui Yang, Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Bing Wang, Guo-Qi Zhang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Vibration and damping characteristics of hybrid carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss sandwich panels with viscoelastic layers. Composite Structures. 2013, 106:570-580
70. Guo-Qi Zhang, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Jin-Shui Yang, Lin-Zhi Wu. The residual compressive strength of impact-damaged sandwich structures with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures. 2013, 105:188-198
69. Jia Lou, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu. Free vibration analysis of lattice sandwich beams under several typical boundary conditions. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinca. 2013, 26(5):458-467
68. Bing Wang, Jian Xiong, Xiao-Jun Wang, Li Ma, Guo-Qi Zhang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Ji-Cai Feng. Energy absorption efficiency of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates under high velocity impact. Materials and Design. 2013, 50:140-148
67. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. Mechanical behavior and failure mechanisms of carbon fiber composite pyramidal core sandwich panel after thermal exposure. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2013, 29(9): 846-854
66. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Shi-Dong Pan. High Temperature Residual Properties of Carbon Fiber Composite Sandwich Panel with Pyramidal Truss Cores. Applied Composite Materials. 2012,
65. Guo-Qi Zhang, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Lin-Zhi Wu. Response of sandwich structures with pyramidal truss core under the compression and impact loading. Composite Structures. 2013, 100:451-463.
Year 2012
64. Jian Xiong, Ashkan Vaziri, Li Ma, Jim Papadopoulos, Lin-Zhi Wu. Compression and impact testing of two-layer composite pyramidal-core sandwich panels. Composite Structures, 2012, 94(2):793-801.
63. 吴林志, 熊健, 马力, 王兵, 张国旗, 杨金水. 新型复合材料点阵结构的研究进展. 力学进展. 2012, 42(1):41-67.
62. Zhi-Yong Wang, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Hong-Jun Yu. Numerical simulation of crack growth in brittle matrix in particle reinforced composites using the XFEM technique. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinca. 2012, 25(1):9-21.
61. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Shi-Dong Pan, Lin-Zhi Wu, Jim Papadopoulos, Ashkan Vaziri. Shear and bending performance of carbon fiber composite sandwich panels with pyramidal truss cores. ACTA Materialia, 2012, 60(4):1455-1466.
60. Guo-Qi Zhang, Li Ma, Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Mechanical behaviors of CFRP sandwich structures with tetrahedral lattice truss cores. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2012, 43(2):471-476.
59. Sha Yin, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Steven Nutt. Hybrid truss concept for carbon fiber composite pyramidal lattice structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2012, 43(4):1749-1755.
58. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri, Jin-Shui Yang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite lattice core sandwich panels fabricated by laser cutting. ACTA Materialia, 2012, 60(13-14): 5322–5334.
57. Jia Lou, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu. Free vibration analysis of simply supported sandwich beams with lattice truss core. Materials Science and Engineering B. 2012, 177(19):1712-1716.
56. Jia Lou, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu. Three-point Bending Properties of Composite Lattice Sandwich Structures with Tetrahedral Truss Cores. International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures. 2012, 2(2):1-10.
55. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Shi-Dong Pan. Shear response of carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss structures after high-temperature exposure. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2012, 31(18):1216-1225.
54. 吴林志, 熊健, 马力, 王兵, 泮世东, 刘海涛. 轻质夹层多功能结构一体化设计. 力学与实践, 2012,34(4): 8-18.
53. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. A Study on Mechanical Behavior of the Carbon Fiber Composite Sandwich Panel with Pyramidal Truss cores at Different Temperatures. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 2012, (11):1-8.
Year 2011
52. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu, Ming Li, Ashkan Vaziri. Mechanical behavior of sandwich panels with hollow Al-Si tubes core construction. Materials and Design, 2011, 32(2):592-597.
51. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu, Jiayi Liu, Ashkan Vaziri. Mechanical behavior and failure of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich columns. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2011, 42(4):938-945.
50. 李明, 马力, 吴林志, 关正西. 含孔复合材料层合板拉伸强度研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报 2011,43(增刊1):1-5.
49. 娄佳, 马力, 吴林志. 复合材料四面体点阵夹芯梁的自由振动分析. 固体力学学报. 2011, 32(4):339-345.
48. 王志勇, 马力, 吴林志, 于红军. 基于扩展有限元法的颗粒增强复合材料静态及动态断裂行为研究. 固体力学学报. 2011, 32(6):566-573.
47. 熊健, 马力, 杨金水, 吴林志. 碳纤维复合材料金字塔点阵结构制备工艺及力学性能研究. 固体力学学报. 2011, 32(专辑):8-13.
46. Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Ji-Cai Feng. Low-velocity impact characteristics and residual tensile strength of carbon fiber composite lattice core sandwich structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2011, 42(4):891-897.
45. Ming Li, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Bing Wang, Zhengxi Guan. Structural response of all-composite pyramidal truss core sandwich columns in end compression. Composite Structures. 2011, 93(8):1964-1972.
44. Ming Li, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Zhengxi Guan. Torsion of carbon fiber composite pyramidal core sandwich plates. Composite Structures. 2011, 93(9):2358-2367.
43. Ming Li, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Bing Wang, Zhengxi Guan. Mechanical response of all-composite pyramidal lattice truss core sandwich structures. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2011, 27(6):570-576.
42. Jia-Yi Liu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Lin-Zhi Wu. Temperature effects on the strength and crushing behavior of carbon fiber composite truss sandwich cores. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2011, 42(7):1860-1866.
41. Sha Yin, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Steven Nutt. Pyramidal lattice sandwich structures with hollow composite trusses. Composite Structures, 2011, 93(12):3104-3111.
40. Ming Li, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Bing Wang, Zhengxi Guan. Structural design of pyramidal truss core sandwich beams loaded in 3-point bending. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2011, 6(9-10):1255-1266.
Year 2010
39. Shi-Xun Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. Low-velocity impact and residual tensile strength analysis to carbon fiber composite laminates. Materials and Design. 2010, 31(1):118-125.
38. Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Xin Jin, Shan-Yi Du, Yu-Guo Sun, Li Ma. Experimental investigation of 3D sandwich structure with core reinforced by composite columns. Materials and Design. 2010, 31(1):158-165.
37. Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Yu-Guo Sun, Shan-Yi Du. Mechanical behavior of the sandwich structures with carbon fiber-reinforced pyramidal lattice truss core. Materials and Design. 2010, 31(5): 2659-2663.
36. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu, Bing Wang, Ashkan Vaziri. Fabrication and crushing behavior of low density carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss structures. Composite Structures. 2010, 92(11): 2695-2702.
35. 王兵,吴林志,杜善义,孙雨果,马力. 碳纤维增强金字塔点阵夹芯结构的抗压缩性能. 复合材料学报. 2010, 27(1):133-138.
34. 吴林志,殷莎,马力. 复合材料点阵夹芯结构的耦合换热及热应力分析. 功能材料. 2010, 41(6):969-972.
33. Shi-Xun Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. Indentation Study of Foam Sandwich Structures Reinforced by Fiber Columns. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials. 2010, 12(5):621-646.
32. Ming Li, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zheng-Xi Guan, Shi-Xun Wang, Li Ma. Experiments and simulation of low-velocity impact characteristics on carbon fiber composite lattice core sandwich structures. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). 2010, 17(6):801-805.
31. 李明,吴林志,关正西,马力,熊健. 金属圆管增强夹芯柱屈曲分析. 工程力学. 2010, 27(12):34-39.
Year 2009
30. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu and Lin-Ping Feng. Surface crack problem for functionally graded magnetoelectroelastic coating-homogeneous elastic substrate system under anti-plane mechanical and in-plane electric and magnetic loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2009, 76(2):269-285.
29. Bing Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Qiang Wang, Shan-Yi Du. Fabrication and testing of carbon fiber reinforced truss core sandwich panels. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2009,25(4):547-550.
Year 2008
28. Li Ma and Lin-Zhi Wu. Mode III crack problem in a functionally graded coating-homogenous substrate structure. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2008, 222(C3), 329-337.
Year 2007
27. Li Ma, Jia Li, Radhi Abdelmoula and Lin-Zhi Wu. Dynamic stress intensity factor for cracked functionally graded orthotropic medium under time-harmonic loading. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2007, 26(2):325-336.
26. Li Ma, Wu Nie, Lin-Zhi Wu and Li-Cheng Guo. Scattering of anti-plane stress waves by a crack in a non-homogeneous orthotropic medium. Composite Structures. 2007, 79(2):174-179.
25. Li Ma, Jia Li, Radhi Abdelmoula and Lin-Zhi Wu. Mode III crack problem in a functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic strip. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2007, 44(17):5518-5537.
24. Chun-Hui Xia and Li Ma. Dynamic behavior of a finite crack in functionally graded materials subjected to plane incident time-harmonic stress wave. Composite Structures. 2007, 77(1):10-17.
23. 郑华勇,吴林志,马力,王新筑. Kagome点阵夹芯板的抗冲击性能研究. 工程力学. 2007, 24(8):86-92.
Year 2006
22. 马力,吴林志,聂武. 在反平面变形下功能梯度压电板条的应力强度因子分析. 工程力学. 2006, 23(1):47-51
Year 2005
21. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Gong Zhou and Li-Cheng Guo Fracture analysis of a functionally graded piezoelctric strip. Composite Structures. 2005, 69(3):294-300.
20. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Gong Zhou and Li-Cheng Guo. Scattering of the harmonic anti-pane shear waves by a crack in functionally graded piezoelectric materials. Composite Structures. 2005, 69(4):436-441.
19. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li-Cheng Guo and Zhen-Gong Zhou. On the moving Griffith crack in a non-homogeneous orthotropic medium. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2005, 24(3):393-405.
18. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li-Cheng Guo and Zhen-Gong Zhou. Dynamic Behavior of a finite crack in the Functionally Graded Materials. Mechanics of Materials. 2005, 37(11):1153-1165.
17. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu and Li-Cheng Guo. On the moving Griffith crack in a nonhomogeneous orthotropic strip. International Journal of Fracture. 2005, 136(1-4): 187-205.
16. Li Ma, Wu Nie, Lin-Zhi Wu and Zhen-Gong Zhou. Scattering of the harmonic stress wave by cracks in functionally graded piezoelectric materials. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2005, 18(4):295-301.
15. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Yu-Guo Sun, Li Ma. The transient fracture behavior for a functionally graded layered structure subjected to an in-plane impact load. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2005, 21(3):257-266.
14. Tao Zeng, Dai-Ning Fang, Li-Cheng Guo and Li Ma. A mechanical model of 3D braided composites with transverse and longitudinal cracks. Composite Structures. 2005, 69(1):117-125.
13. Tao Zeng, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li-Cheng Guo, Li Ma. A mechanical model of 3D braided composites with internal transverse crack. Journal of Composite Materials. 2005, 39(4):301-321.
Year 2004
12. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu and Zhen-Gong Zhou. Dynamic stress intensity factors around two parallel cracks in a functionally graded layer bonded to dissimilar half planes subjected to anti-plane incident time-harmonic stress wave. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2004, 42(2): 187-202.
11. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Gong Zhou and Tao Zeng. Crack propagating in a functionally graded strip under the plane loading. International Journal of Fracture. 2004, 126(1): 39-55.
10. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu, Zhen-Gong Zhou, Li-Cheng Guo and Li-Ping Shi. Scattering of harmonic anti-plane shear waves by two collinear cracks in functionally graded piezoelectric materials. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2004, 23(4):633-643.
9. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma. The Interface Crack Problem under a Concentrated Load for a Functionally Graded Coating-Substrate Composite System. Composite Structures. 2004, 63(3-4):397-406.
8. Tao Zeng, Dai-Ning Fang, Li Ma, Li-Cheng Guo. Predicting the nonlinear response and failure of 3D braided composites. Materials Letters. 2004,58(26):3237-3241.
7. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Li Ma, Tao Zeng. Fracture Analysis of a Functionally Graded Coating-substrate Structure with a Crack Perpendicular to the Interface - Part I: Static problem. International Journal of Fracture. 2004, 127(2):21-38.
6. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Tao Zeng, Li Ma. Fracture Analysis of a Functionally Graded Coating-substrate Structure with a Crack Perpendicular to the Interface - Part II: Transient problem. International Journal of Fracture. 2004, 127(2):39-59.
5. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Tao Zeng and Li Ma. Mode I crack problem for a functionally graded orthotropic strip. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2004, 23(2):219-234.
4. Li-Cheng Guo, Lin-Zhi Wu, Tao Zeng, Li Ma. The Dynamic Fracture Behavior of a Functionally Graded Coating-Substrate System. Composite Structures. 2004, 64(3-4):433-441.
Year 2003
3. 张雪丽,果立成,曾涛,吴林志,马力. 三维编织复合材料圆柱壳的稳定性研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2003, 35(2):222-226
Year 2002
2. Li Ma, Lin-Zhi Wu and Li-Cheng Guo. Dynamic behavior of two collinear anti-plane shear cracks in a functionally graded layer bonded to dissimilar half planes. Mechanics Research Communications 2002, 29(4):207-215.
Year 1999
1. Zhen-Gong Zhou and Li Ma. Two collinear Griffith cracks subjected to anti-plane shear in infinitely long strip. Mechanics Research Communications 1999, 26(4):437-444.