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分类:导师信息 来源:宁夏大学 2019-05-12 相关院校:宁夏大学
E-mail: junliang@nxu.edu.cn
2011-2014年 福州大学环境化学专业获博士学位
2001-2004年 厦门大学物理化学专业获硕士学位
1997-2001年 宁夏大学化学系化学专业获理学学士学位
实验室围绕“能源、环境、材料”交叉领域凝练实验室研究方向,秉承“开发新能源、清洁能源和再生能源”的理念,设立了化学储能技术、新型电池技术、清洁能源催化技术三个研究方向。旨在探索新型化学储能、环境替代材料、功能杂化材料以及洁净与再生能源转化等领域所需新材料、新技术的相关科学问题和应用研究。目前主持和参与国家自然科学基金、省部级科学基金等多项基金项目。近年来,在J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Catal., Appli. Catal. B: Environ., J. power Sources, Chem. Common., Catal. Sci. & Technol., Inorg. Chem., Appl. Catal. A: General, Appl. Surf. Sci., Catal. Commun., New J. Chem., RSC Adv.和Powder Technol.等国际重要刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇,申请发明专利3项,获宁夏优秀自然科学论文一等奖、二等奖多项,指导研究生获宁夏回族自治区高等学校优秀硕士论文一篇,担任Electrochimic Acta, Cryst. Growth Des.和 J. Colloid Interf. Sci.等多种国际期刊审稿人。实验室主要涉及如下具体研究方向:(1)能源与环境材料制备及应用技术;(2)洁净能源与再生能源转化(催化、光催化、电催化、有机光合成);(3)电化学储能(锂-钠离子电池、超级电容器、燃料电池等);(4)多元金属及非金属固溶体材料。
1. 国家自然科学基金项目:钛酸锌基固溶体复合半导体的构筑及其可见光光催化CO2还原性能研究(21862015)2019.01-2022.12
2. 宁夏大学“化学工程与技术”学科建设-优秀青年学者支持计划项目—化学储能及CO2转化(150万)2018.08-2021.08
3. 国家自然科学基金项目:锗酸锌基固溶体光催化材料的设计制备和性能研究(21463019)2015.01-2018.12
4.宁夏省自然科学基金项目:基于β-氧化镓掺杂的固溶体复合半导体的合成及光催化 CO2还原性能研究(2018AAC03032)2018.08-2020.07
2. 国家自然科学基金项目:高表面能晶面铁氧化物微纳米晶的可控制备与性能研究(21361019)2014.01-2016.12
3. 宁夏省自然科学基金重点项目:高表面能裸露晶面的过渡金属氧化物微结构控制(NZ1104)2013.01-2015.01
1. Jiaxue Lu, Yao Chai, Deli Li, Li Li,* Meng Li and Jun Liang*. Rational design and preparation of nanoheterostructures based on zinc titanate for solar-driven photocatalytic conversion of CO2 to valuable fuels,
2. Yao Chai, Jiaxue Lu, Li Li, Deli Li, Meng Li, Jinni Shen,* Xuxu Wang and Jun Liang*. Germanium substituted Zn2TiO4 solid solution photocatalyst for conversion CO2 intofuels,
3. Deli Li, Shuang Song, Jiaxue Lu, Jun Liang*, Yingying Zhang and Li Li*. A general self-template-etched solution route for synthesis of 2D g-manganese sulfide nanoplates and its enhanced supercapacitive performance,
4. Yanpu Sun, Deli Li, Jiaxue Lu, Yingying Zhang, Li Li,* and Jun Liang*. Synthesis of Ni-doped copper cobalt sulfide nanoparticles and its enhanced properties as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction,
5. Yao Chai, Jiaxue Lu, Li Li,* Deli Li, Meng Li and Jun Liang*. TEOA-induced in situ formation of wurtzite and zinc-blende CdS heterstructures as a high-active and long-lasting photocatalyst for converting CO2 into solar fuel,
6. Jiaxue Lu, Deli Li, Li Li,* Yao Cai, Meng Li and Jun Liang*. Cobalt-doped Zn2GeO4 nanorods assembled into hollow spheres as high-performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries,
7. Jun Liang,* Meng Li, Shuang Song, Yao Cai and Li Li. TEOA-mediated formation of hollowcore-shell structuredCoNi2S4 nanospheres as a high-performance electrode materialfor supercapacitors,
8. Jun Liang, Li Li, etal. Synthesis of N-doped graphene-functionalized Zn1.231Ge0.689N1.218 O0.782 solid solution as a photocatalyst for CO2 reduction and oxidation of benzyl alcohol under visible-light irradiation,
9. Jun Liang,* Yao Chai, Deli Li, Meng Li, Jiaxue Lu, Li Li*. Facile fabrication of plate-shaped hydrohausmannite as electrode material for supercapacitors,
10. JunLiang,* Yao Chai and Li Li. Facile fabrication of rod-shaped Zn2GeO4 nanocrystals as photocatalyst for hydrogen production,
11. Xiaoyan Zhang, Zizhong Zhang,* Jun Liang, Yangen Zhou, Yuecong Tong, Ying Wang and Xuxu Wang*. Freestanding single layers of non-layered material gama-Ga2O3 as an efficient photocatalyst for overall water splitting,
12. Meng Li,Jun Liang,*Yao Chai,Deli Li, Jiaxue Lu andLi Li*. One-step synthesis of alpha-MnSnanosheets for supercapacitor electrode materials,
13. Jun Liang,* Ajuan Yue, Qingcheng Wang, Shuang Song and Li Li *. Tailored synthesis of well-faceted single crystals of Fe3O4 and their application in p-nitrophenol reduction,
14. Yiqun Cao, Zizhong Zhang, Jinlin Long, Jun Liang, Huan Lin, Huaxiang Lin and Xuxu Wang
*. Vacuum heat-treatment of carbon nitride for enhancing photocatalytic hydrogen evolution,
15. Li Li, Yuanyun Dou, Min Luo, Lifeng Wang and Jun Liang*. One-step synthesis of high-quality N-doped graphene/Fe3O4 hybrid nanocomposite and its improved supercapacitor performances,
16. Jun Liang,
Jie Xu, Jinlin Long, Zizhong Zhang and Xuxu Wang*. Self-assembledmicro/nano-structuredZn2GeO4
hollow spheres:directsynthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity,
17. Jun Liang, Yiqun Cao, Huan Lin, Zizhong Zhang, Changcang Huang and Xuxu Wang*. A template-free solution route for the synthesis of well-formed one-dimensional Zn2GeO4 nanocrystals and its photocatalytic behavior,
18. Jun Liang, Jie Xu, Quan Gu, Yangen Zhou, Changcang Huang, Huaxiang Lin and Xuxu Wang*.
A novel Zn2GeO4 superstructure for effective photocatalytic hydrogen generation,
19. Jun Liang, Li Li and Hui Kang.
Solvothermal synthesis, growth mechanism, and magnetic property of self-assembled 3-D multileaf α-Fe2O3 superstructures,
20. Li Li, Jun Liang,* Hui Kang, Junzhuo Fang and Min Luo. TEA-assisted synthesis of single-crystalline Mn3O4octahedrons and their magnetic properties,
21. Li Li, Jun Liang,* Min Luo and Junzhuo Fang.Highly qualified fabrication of Ni(SO4)0.3(OH)1.4 nanobelts via a facile TEA-assisted hydrothermal route,
22. Yuqin Lv, Jun Liang,* Min Luo, Junzhuo Fang, Li Li and Xiaoyong Jin. In situ synthesis of highly qualified TBA-silicalite-2 zeolite membranes on biomorphous charcoal supports,
23. Jun Liang, Li Li. A simple chemical route to
24. Jun Liang, Li Li, Min Luo and Yuan Wang. Fabrication of Fe3O4 octahedra by TEA-assisted hydrothermal process,
25. Li Li, Jun Liang,Guanru Tian. Synthesis and structure of a thiocyanato-bridged one-dimensional Cd(II) coordination polymer,
26. Jun Liang, Min Luo, Caihong Yang, Junzhuo Fang and Li Li. Synthesis of spindle-shaped α-FeOOH and α-Fe2O3 nanocrystals,
27. Jun Liang, Li Li, Min Luo, Lifeng Wang and Rui Yang. Synthesis of monodisperse magnetite nanocrystals via partially reduced precipitation method,
28. Jun Liang,Li Li, Min Luo, Junzhuo Fang and Yanrui Hu. Synthesis and properties of magnetite Fe3O4 via a hydrothermal oxidation method,
29. Jun Liang,Li Li, Winmin Song, Min Luo, Junzhuo Fang and Yanping Li. Rapid synthesis of dendrite and patelet-like α-Fe2O3 via a hydrothermal oxidation route,
1. 一种合成α-Fe2O3十二面体和十四面体微晶的方法,ZL201410589447.7
2. Cox(OH)yM的制备方法及其用途,201810252802.X
3. 硫化锰铁固溶体的制备方法及其作为锂离子电池负极材料的应用,201810252780.7