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分类:导师信息 来源:哈尔滨工业大学 2019-01-31 相关院校:哈尔滨工业大学
哈尔滨工业大学飞行器动力学与控制研究所书记、副所长;复杂环境动力学与控制研究中心主任;国防科工局国防基础科研应用力学专家组专家;水中兵器学术委员会委员,宇航学会发射工程与地面设备专业委员会委员,兵工学会应用力学专业委员会委员,哈尔滨工业大学力学学科教授委员会委员;《兵工学报》《哈尔滨工业大学学报》《数字海洋与水下攻防》编委;Ocean Engineering,CJME,ETFS,AIME,ACTA MECHANICA SINICA等审稿人。
1. 博士研究生3-5名
2. 硕士研究生8-10名
1.Wang, Wei; Wang, Cong; Wei,Yingjie; A study on the wake structure of the double vortex tubes in a ventilated supercavity, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,Vol. 32, No. 4: 1601-1611: APR 2018.
2.Xu Hao; Wang Cong; Lu Hong-Zhi; Experimental study on submerged supersonic gaseous jet induced tail cavity, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA Vol.: 67 No. 1: 014703: JAN 5 2018.
3.Song, Wuchao; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Experimental study of microbubble drag reduction on an axisymmetric body, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B,Vol. 32, No. 3: JAN 30 2018.
4.Li, Yuanyuan; Wang, Zilu; Wang, Cong; Planar rigid-flexible coupling spacecraft modeling and control considering solar deployment and joint clearance, ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, Vol. 142: 138-151: JAN 2018.
5.David Wafula Wekesa, Cong Wang, Yingjie Wei, Louis Angelo M. Danao. Analytical and numerical investigation of unsteady wind for enhanced energy capture in a fluctuating free-stream. Energy 121(2017) 854e864
6.Zhang, Xiaoshi; Wang, Cong; Wekesa, David Wafula, Numerical and experimental study of pressure-wave formation around an underwater ventilated vehicle, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS, Vol. 65: 440-449: SEP-OCT 2017.
7.Zhang Xiao-Shi; Xu Hao; Wang Cong; Experimental study on underwater supersonic gas jets in water flow, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol. 66, No.5, MAR 5 2017.
8.Lu Zhong-Lei; Wei Ying-Jie; Wang Cong; Experimental and numerical investigation on the flow structure and instability of water-entry cavity by a semi-closed cylinder, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol. 66, No: 6,MAR 20 2017.
9.Li, Yuanyuan; Wang, Zilu; Wang, Cong; Effects of torque spring, CCL and latch mechanism on dynamic response of planar solar s with multiple clearance joints, ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, No.132: 243-255: MAR 2017
10.张孝石,许昊,王聪,陆宏志,赵静.水流冲击超声速气体射流实验研究[J].物理学报. Vol. 66, No. 5 (2017) ,1-11
12.路中磊,魏英杰,王聪,曹伟.开放空腔壳体入水扰动流场结构及空泡失稳特征[J].物理学报,Vol. 66, No. 6 (2017) :1-14.
13.Wekesa, David Wafula, Wang,Cong, Wei, Yingjie, Zhu, Weidong,Experimental and numerical study of turbulenceeffect on aerodynamic performance of a small-scale vertical axis wind turbine, JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS, 2016.
14.Li, Yuanyuan, Wang, Zilu, Wang, Cong, Huang, Wenhu, Dynamic responses of space solar s considering joint clearance and structural flexibility, ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2016.
15.Zhang Xiaoshi, Wang Cong, Wei Yingjie,Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Characteristics of Ventilated Cavitation Flow around an Under-water Vehicle, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016,8(11): 1687814016678198
16.Sun TieZhi, Ma XiangFu, Wei YingJie, Wang Cong, Computational modeling of cavitating flows in liquid nitrogen by an extended transport-based cavitation model, SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2016.
17.Lu Zhong-Lei, Wei Ying-Jie, Wang Cong, Sun Zhao, An experimental study of water-entry cavitating flows of an end-closed cylindrical shell based on the high-speed imaging technology, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2016.
18.Li Jia-Chuan, Wei Ying-Jie, Wang Cong, Deng Huan-Yu, Water-entry cavity of heated spheres, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2016.
19.Zhao, Sun, Wei, Cao, Cong,Wang, Numerical Investigation of Water Entry of Half Hydrophilic and Hal Hydrophobic Spheres, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2016.
20.David Wafula Wekesa, Cong Wang, Yingjie Wei, Weidong Zhu. Experimental and numerical study of turbulence effect on aerodynamic performance of a small-scale vertical axis wind turbine. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 157 (2016) 1–14
21.Zhao Chenggong, Wang Cong, Wei YingJie, Zhang Xiaoshi. Experimental study on oblique water entry of projectiles, Modern Physics Letters B , 2016, 30(28): 1650348.
22.Chang Xu, Cong Wang, Wei Liu. Non-stationary Vibration Signal Analysis Using Wavelet-Based Time–Frequency Filter and Wigner–Ville Distribution. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 138(5): 051009.
23.Chang Xu, Cong Wang,Jingbo Gao. Instantaneous Frequency Identification Using Adaptive Linear Chirplet Transform and Matching Pursuit. Shock and Vibration,2016.
24.Chen Chaoqian, Cao Wei, Wang Cong, Wei Yingjie. Trajectory simulation for underwater vehicle with power-lunched. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2016,23(1): 17-22.
37.Zhang Xiaoshi, Wang Cong. Research on Underwater Vehicle Based on Multiphase Flow Control, MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2015, 25.
38.Zhao Chenggong, Wang Cong, Wei YingJie, Zhang XiaoShi. An experimental study on characteristics of cavitation and ballistic of axisymmetric slender body underwater movement[C]//Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2015, 656(1): 012175.
41.Weiyao Zhang; Jingbo Gao; Cong Wang. Rigid-Flexible Coupling Dynamic Analysis of Sub-Launched Vehicle During the Vertical Tube-Exit Stage. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2015-04-15
42.Chang Xu,Cong Wang and Jingbo Gao. Modal Identification of Linear Time-varying Systems Using Continuous Wavelet Transform. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology ( New Series),Vol.22,No.1,2015
43.David Wekesa,Cong Wang,Yingjie Wei,Louis Danao.A numerical analysis of unsteady inflow Wind for site speafic VAWT: A case study for Marsabit and Garissa in Kenya. Renewabal Energy. 2015,76. 648-661
44.Yang Zhao,Wang Cong,Gao Jingbo.3-D Structural Vibration Measurement using Digital Photogrammery. International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Enginering and Industrial Informatics (AMEII). 2015,15. 1581-1586
45.Chenggong Zhao, Cong Wang,Yingjie Wei,Xiaoshi Zhang.An experimental study on characteristics of cavitation and ballistic of axisymmetric slender body underwater movement.Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015.656
46.Tiezhi Sun,Yingjie Wei,Cong Wang.Prediction of cryogenic cavitation around hydrofoil by an extensional Schnerr-Sauer cavitation model.Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015.656
47.赵成功, 王聪, 魏英杰, 马庆鹏. 质心位置对超空泡射弹尾拍运动影响分析. 北京航空航天大学学报. 2014年12月, 第40卷 第12期
48.SUN Tie-zhi, WEI Ying-jie, WANG Cong, ZHAO Cheng-gong. Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Cryogenic Cavitating Flows of Liquid Nitrogen Around Hydrofoil. Journal of Ship Mechanics. Vol.18 No.12, Dec. 2014
49.Wekesa W. David., Wang C., Wei Y., Kamau J.N., Danao L.A.M.A Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Inflow Wind for Site Specific Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. Renewable Energy Journal.2014.11
50.许畅,王聪,高晶波,张春芳. 基于摄像测量法的在轨柔性结构模态参数辨识. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 第46卷 第11期, 2014年11月
51.马庆鹏,魏英杰,王聪,赵成功. 不同头型运动体高速入水空泡数值模拟. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 第46卷 第11期. 2014年11月
52.Wekesa W. David., Wang C., Wei Y., Danao L.A.M. Influence of Operating Conditions on Unsteady Wind Performance of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Operating within a Fluctuating Free-stream: A numerical Study. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.2014.10
53.陈超倩,曹伟,王聪,任怀勋等. 考虑空化作用的潜射航行体弹道仿真. 工程力学. 第31卷 第10期 2014年10月
54.路中磊; 魏英杰; 王聪; 孙铁志. 开放腔体圆柱壳垂向入水试验研究. 第八届全国流体力学学术会议(兰州). 2014年9月
55.王聪; 张孝石; 曹伟; 孙铁志. 航行体水下发射气幕形态特性研究. 第八届全国流体力学学术会议(兰州). 2014年9月
56.马庆鹏,魏英杰,王聪,曹伟等. 锥头圆柱体高速入水空泡深闭合数值模拟研究. 兵工学报. 第35卷 第9期 2014年9月
57.何乾坤, 王聪, 魏英杰. 超空泡射弹尾拍运动流固耦合动力学响应研究. 动力学与控制学报.第12卷 第3期2014年9月
58.马庆鹏,何春涛,王聪,魏英杰等. 球体垂直入水空泡实验研究. 爆炸与冲击. 第34卷 第2期, 2014年3月
59.马庆鹏, 魏英杰, 王聪, 曹伟. 锥头圆柱体高速入水空泡数值模拟. 北京航空航天大学学报. 2014年2月, 第40卷 第2期
60.David WEKESA, Cong WANG, Joseph KAMAU. Wind resource data logging measuring system. 2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Engineering(EEME2014). February, 2014, Shenzhen, China. 21-26
61.David Wafula Wekesa_z, Cong Wang_, Yingjie Wei_ and Joseph N. Kamauz. Wind Resource Assessment and Numerical Simulation for Wind Turbine Airfoils. 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), Elgouna, Egypt, IEEE. 2014.9
62.Houwang LI, Cong WANG. Analysis on stability of POGO and parameters of propulsion system in liquid rocket.2014 2nd International Workshop on Applied Mechanics and Smart Materials (AMSM 2014),Wuhan, China. 2014.07
63.Qing-Peng Ma,Ying-Jie Wei,Cong Wang,Tie-Zhi Sun. Numerical Simulation of High-Speed Water Entry of Cone-Cylinder. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology ( New Series),Vol.21, No. 3, 2014
64.马庆鹏,王聪,魏英杰,曹伟. 球体垂直入水空泡实验研究. 爆炸与冲击2014.3. 174-180
65.刘海军, 王聪, 王本利. 水下航行体垂直发射过程气幕形态特性研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2013年5期. 7-12
66.曹伟, 刘海军,王聪. 射流速度对气幕发射方式下航行体运动过程的影响研究. 工程力学. 2013年9期.288-292
67.王柏秋, 王聪, 黄海龙, 张嘉钟. 考虑空泡界面相变作用的空化模型及应用. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2013年1期,30-34
68.王柏秋, 王聪, 魏英杰, 张嘉钟. 超空泡射弹阻力系数数值模拟. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2013年3期,22-27
69.马相孚, 魏英杰, 王聪, 黄文虎. 温度对液氢绕水翼非定常空泡流影响的数值研究. 水动力学研究与进展A辑. 2013年2期. 190-196
70.Qian-Kun He,Ying-Jie Wei,Cong Wang,Jia-Zhong Zhang. Impact Dynamics of Supercavitating Projectile with Fluid /Structure Interaction. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology ( New Series),Vol.20,No.1,2013
71.魏英杰,何乾坤,王聪,曹伟等. 超空泡射弹尾拍问题研究进展. 舰船科学技术. 第35卷 第1期, 2013年1月
72.何春涛,王聪,何乾坤等. 圆柱体低速入水空泡试验研究. 物理学报, 2012年13期. 281-288
73.何春涛,王聪,魏英杰. 圆柱体垂直入水空泡形态试验. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2012年11期, 1542-1546
74.MA Xiang-fu,WEI Ying-jie,WANG Cong,HUANG Wen-hu Simulation of Liquid Nitrogen around Hydrofoil Cavitation Flow. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2012.12, 1345-1352
75.何乾坤,魏英杰,王聪,曹伟等. 超空泡射弹尾拍结构动力学响应分析. 工程力学, 2012年11期
76.王柏秋,王聪,黄海龙等. 半球头模型空化流场非定常特性的数值模拟. 兵工学报, 2012年9期, 1124-1130
77.王柏秋,王聪,黄海龙等. 空化模型中的相变系数影响研究. 工程力学, 2012年8期, 378-384
78.刘海军,王聪,王本利等. 潜射导弹出筒过程肩空泡形态和水阻动力特性研究. 工程力学, 2012年7期
79.LIU Haijun,WANG Cong,ZOU Zhenzhu,WANG Benli. Numerical investigation on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a cylinder of different head construction out of launch tube . Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2012.6
80.王聪,何春涛,权晓波等. 空气压强对垂直入水空泡影响的数值研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2012年5月, 14-19
81.刘海军,王聪,王本利等. 水下航行体垂直出筒流体动力特性研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2012年5期, 25-30
82.何春涛,王聪,闵景新等. 回转体匀速垂直入水早期空泡数值模拟研究. 工程力学, 2012年4期, 237-243
83.曹伟,付英杰,王聪,魏英杰. 水下气液两相冲压发动机非设计点性能分析. 推进技术, 2012年1期
84.金大桥,王聪,曹伟等. 通气超空泡水下射弹数值模拟及试验研究. 兵工学报, 2011年10月
85.金大桥,王聪,魏英杰等. 通气超空泡水下射弹实验研究. 工程力学, 2011年9月
86.尤天庆,王聪,曹伟等. 考虑接触非线性的航行体出水结构动力学分析. 振动与冲击 2011年8月
87.HE Chun-tao, WANG Cong, WEI Ying-jie. Numerical simulation of pressure distribution in vertical water-entry cavity. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2011.9
88.张劲生,张嘉钟,王聪等. 超空泡射弹结构响应的流固耦合仿真研究. 船舶力学,2011年 7期
89.尤天庆,张嘉钟,王聪等. 航行体出水过程头部流场载荷特性分析. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2011年 05期
90.金大桥,王聪,曹伟等. SPS水中枪弹超空泡减阻研究. 战术导弹技术, 2011年 3期
91.闵景新,魏英杰,王聪,曹伟. 潜射导弹垂直发射过程流体动力特性数值模拟. 兵工学报, 2010年 10期
92.金大桥,王聪,魏英杰等. 水下轴向串列双圆柱体带空泡绕流研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2010年 10期
93.金大桥,王聪,余锋. 水下超空泡射弹研究综述. 飞航导弹, 2010年 7期
94.金大桥,王聪,魏英杰等. 水下射弹自然超空泡减阻特性的数值模拟. 工程力学, 2010年6月
95.金大桥,王聪,魏英杰等. 圆柱体带空泡轴向绕流研究. 工程力学, 2010年6月
96.JIN Da-qiao,WANG Cong,WEI Ying-jie. Axial cavitating flow study of underwater circular cylinder. Journal of Harbin University of Commerce(Natural Sciences Edition), 2010.5
97.刘相秋,王聪,邹振祝. 考虑失谐的星载天线结构振动预测控制. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2010年4月
98.刘相秋,王聪,邹振祝等. 弱耦合星载天线结构振动神经网络预测控制. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010年3月
1. 一种水下发射运动体尾翼同步展开装置. 2011202051688, 2011.6
2. 一种水下超空泡航行体缩比模型试验用通气装置. ZL 201420137743.9, 2014.6
3.一种基于惯性原理的充气启动装置. ZL201420693930.5. 2015.2
4.水下圆柱体运动体表面压力传感器放置机构. ZL201420771241.1. 2015.6
5.一种长度和尾翼可调的运动体实验模型. ZL201420778584.0. 2015.3
6.一种水下气幕垂直发射实验装置. 201410680860.4, 2014.11
7.一种水洞实验通气航行体自旋装置. 201410697229.5, 2014.11
8.一种通过炮口切割器实现气动分离的弹托.201521054437.X. 2015.12
9.轻气炮射弹快速填充装置. 201521054421.9, 2015.12