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分类:导师信息 来源:西南交通大学研究生院 2018-05-10 相关院校:西南交通大学
1992,1995,2002年分别于西南交通大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位, 2006年比利时核研究中心博士后出站回国,近年来先后承担数据挖掘、计算智能、离散数学等课程的教学工作。主要研究方向是数据挖掘与知识发现,粒计算与粗糙集,云计算与大数据。
在IEEE TKDE,IEEE TEC,IEEE TFS,IEEE TIFS,IEEE ASLP,IEEE TIE,IEEE TC,IEEE TVT等国际期刊和中国科学、软件学报、计算机研究与发展、电子学报、通信学报等国内期刊或KDD、IJCAI、UbiComp国际会议等上发表学术论文240余篇 (被SCI检索110余篇,EI检索230余篇, 入选ESI热点论文3篇和高被引论文10篇,Google H-index是32,学术影响力已进入全球计算机科学领域的前1%,排名第506位(共3084名科学家)(据ESI2017年11月份统计)), 申请/获得授权发明专利和软件著作权10余项;在科学出版社等出版编著6部,主编国际SCI期刊专辑9集、EI期刊专辑1集和国际会议论文集15部(IEEE出版社、Springer出版社、World Scientific出版社等出版) 。
承担科技项目20余项[其中国家级项目6项]。并应邀到国际会议做大会特邀报告16次和海内外多所大学等讲学。是科技部重点领域创新团队 “云服务平台技术创新团队”的核心成员,担任多个国际会议主席、程序委员会主席或组织委员会主席。担任国际杂志International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems(SCI检索, IF: 1.140)地区主编以及Knowledge-based Systems(SCI检索, IF: 4.529), Information Fusion(SCI检索, IF: 5.667),《计算机应用》,《计算机科学》和《机电工程》编委。是国际粗糙集学会会士和筹划委员会委员,CCF杰出会员,ACM、IEEE和CAAI高级会员,IEEE CIS成都分会主席, ACM和ACM SIGKDD会员,ACM SIGKDD China Chapter司库,CCF成都分部执委,CCF YOCSEF成都分论坛13-14主席,CAAI粗糙集与软计算专委会常务理事,CAAI机器学习专委会常务委员。 曾担任国家自然科学基金委信息学部自动化学科会评专家等,获得詹天佑专项奖,四川省社会科学优秀成果二、三等奖,四川省优秀教学成果二、三等奖,校优秀教学成果一等奖, 优秀党务工作者,优秀共产党员,唐立新优秀学者奖,陆氏优秀青年教师奖以及宏宇和陆氏奖学金等。
培养的学生曾获得ACM成都分会优秀博士论文奖3次,IEEE成都分会优秀学生论文奖2次, 国际会议优秀论文奖3次和优秀张贴论文奖2次,全国会议优秀论文奖4次,2015年天池大数据“新浪微博互动预测大赛”冠军(奖金20万元),2016年国际人工智能联合会议竞赛(社会影响力分析)亚军,2016年天池大数据广东航空大数据创新大赛季军,ACM-ICPC亚洲区预选赛金牌, 首届“顶嵌杯”全国嵌入式系统C语言编程大赛唯一的特等奖(大赛最高奖)和西南交通大学竢实扬华奖章2人等。毕业学生就业单位包括国际知名研究机构如微软亚洲研究院, 一流高校如四川大学和国际知名企业如百度、阿里巴巴、腾讯、华为等。
Brief Biography
Tianrui Li received his B.S. degree, M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree from the Southwest Jiaotong University, China in 1992, 1995 and 2002 respectively. He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK ? CEN), Belgium from 2005-2006, a visiting professor at Hasselt University, Belgium in 2008, the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia in 2009 and the University of Regina, Canada in 2014. And, he is presently a Professor and the Director of the Key Lab of Cloud Computing and Intelligent Technique of Sichuan Province, Southwest Jiaotong University, China. Since 2000, he has co-edited 6 books, 10 special issues of international journals, 15 proceedings, received 5 Chinese invention patents and published over 300 research papers (e.g., Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Information Science) in refereed journals and conferences (e.g., KDD, IJCAI, UbiComp). 3 papers were ESI Hot Papers and 12 papers was ESI Highly Cited Papers. His Google H-index is 32. He was recognized as the Top 1% Scientists (ranked 469/3173) in the field of Computer Science based on Thomson Reuter's Essential Science Indicators (ESI) in Mar. 2018. He serves as area editor of International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (SCI), editor of Knowledge-based Systems (SCI) and Information Fusion (SCI), etc. He has served as KDD2018 Media & Publicity Chair, IEEE ICCC2015-2018 chairs, ICCCBDA2016-2018, ISKE2007-2018, CRSSC2015, CWI2014, JRS2012 program chairs, IEEE HPCC 2015, GrC 2009 program vice chairs and RSKT2008, FLINS2010 organizing chairs, etc. and has been a reviewer for several leading academic journals. He is an IRSS fellow, a distinguished member of CCF, a senior member of ACM, IEEE, CAAI, ACM SIGKDD member, Chair of IEEE CIS Chengdu Chapter, Treasurer of ACM SIGKDD China Chapter and CCF YOCSEF Chengdu Chair (2013-2014). Over fifty graduate students (including 8 Post-Docs, 13 Doctors) have been trained. Their employment units include Microsoft Research Asia, Sichuan University, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Huawei. They have received 2 "Si Shi Yang Hua" Medals, Best Papers/Dissertation Awards 16 times, Champion of Sina Weibo Interaction-prediction at Tianchi Big Data Competition (Bonus 200,000 RMB), Second Place of Social Influence Analysis Contest of IJCAI-2016 Competitions.
For more information, please visit the website of our lab: http://sist.swjtu.edu.cn/ccit.
Publications in DBLP || Google Scholar || AMiner
Research Interest
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Granular Computing and Rough Sets
Cloud Computing and Big Data
Traffic Information Engineering and Control