1. 《数学实验》课程教学模式和方法的研究与实践 2001.12 获国家级教学成果奖二等奖
2. 数学实验课程教学研究与实践 2001.12 重庆市教学成果一等奖
3. 计算机网络的系统级诊断 2000.2 重庆市科学技术进步奖二等奖
4. 《小波分析与信号处理--理论、应用和软件实现》,重庆出版社,1997.12 1999.6 “全国优秀科技图书奖”暨“科技进步奖(科技著作)”二等奖
1. 2003.6: 华为奖教金
2. 1998.11: 宝钢教育基金优秀教师
1. The total chromatic number of regular graphs of even order and high degree, Discrete Mathematics, Volume: 300, Issue: 1-3, September 6, 2005, pp. 196-212. (进入SCI: IDS Number: 971ZV)
2. Advanced Studies on Traditional Chinese Poetry Style Identification. Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, 18-21 August 2005 (ICML05), pp. 3830-3833. (进入EI, 05509539396)
3. An SVM Face Recognition Method on Gabor-Featured Key Points, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, 18-21 August 2005 (ICML05), pp. 5144-5149. (进入EI, 05509539639)
4. A New Approach to Chinese Person Names Recognition Based on Part-of-Speech Detecting, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 26-29 August 2004 (ICML04), pp. 2969-2972. (进入EI, 04458450041)
5. Studies on Traditional Chinese Poetry Style Identification, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 26-29 August 2004 (ICML04), pp. 2936-2939. (进入EI, 04458446964)
6. Poetry Stylistic Analysis Technique based on Term Connections (ICML04), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 26-29 August 2004 (ICML04), pp. 2713-2718. (进入EI, 04458446921)
7. Bounds on the Reliability of Distributed Systems with Unreliable Nodes and Links, IEEE Trans. On Reliability. 2004.6, Vol.53, No.2: pp205-215. (进入SCI: IDS Number: 832PR)
8. Principles and algorithms of semantic analysis, 2003 Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC03), Xi’an China, November 2-5, 2003, pp. 1613-1618. (进入EI, 04128072129)
9. The Simulation of a Highly Dependable Distributed Computing Environment, Simulation(Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International), Vol.79, No. 5 - 6, May - June, 2003, pp.316 - 327. (进入SCI: IDS Number:739ZQ)
10. Simulating the reliability of distributed systems with unreliable nodes. The International J. of Simulation, 2002.6, Vol.3(1-2), pp 68-79
11. Efficient reliability modeling of the heterogeneous autonomous decentralized systems. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2001.10, E84-D(10)1360-1367. (进入SCI: IDS Number:479XC)
1. 基于向量空间的中文文本层次分类方法研究,计算机应用,2006.5,26(5):1125-112
2. 基于词联接的诗词风格评价技术,中文信息学报,2005.11,19(6): 98-104
3. 一种基于SVM和规则消除歧义的算法,重庆大学学报,2005.10, 28(10): 50-53
4. 基于词性信息的汉语时间语词消歧算法,重庆大学学报,2005.9, 28(9): 53-56
5. 基于全局折扣的统计语言模型平滑技术,重庆大学学报,2005.8, 28(8): 51-55
6. 基于遗传算法改进诗词风格判别的研究,计算机科学,2005.7, 32(7):156-158
7. 基于互信息的统计语言模型平滑技术,中文信息学报,2005.7, 19(4):46-51.
8. 基于词性探测的中文姓名识别算法,计算机科学,2005.4, 32(4):84-86
9. 基于词联接的语义分析原理及其算法,重庆大学学报,2004.4, 27(8): 69-74
10. 自然语言处理与统计语言模型,外国语言文学研究,2004,6, 4(2): 39-45
11. 基于词联接的语义表示方法和知识库建设,重庆大学学报,2004.4, 27(4): 34-38。
12. 二元图的最佳连通性,应用数学, 1997.7, 10(3): 38-43.
13. 一类具有最佳连通性的超图,重庆大学学报,1996, 18(6): 33-38.
14. 多总线结构的容错性研究,计算机科学,1996.4,23(2): 87-88;60.
15. 岭回归估计k值选取迭代算法的收敛性定理和极限, 应用数学学报, 1994,17(1): 59-64.
1 数学实验(“十五”国家级规划教材),高等教育出版社,2004.7
2 经济应用数学(第三版),重庆大学出版社,2003.5
3 数学实验,科学出版社,2000.9
4 概率论与数理统计,重庆大学出 版社,2000.7
5 经济应用数学(第二版),重庆大学出版社,1999.8
6 小波分析与信号处理--理论、应用和软件实现, 重庆出版社,1997.12
7 经济应用数学,重庆大学出版社,1993.9
1. 计算机辅助文学艺术创作研究,2002-2004,国家自然科学基金
2. 计算机网络容错性分析与设计,2003-2005,重庆大学骨干教师基金
3. 通信网络的可靠性分析,2002-2004,国家教育部留学回国人员基金
4. 数学实验课程研究及教学实践, 2001-2003,世行贷款国家级教改项目
5. 系统级故障诊断,1996-1998 2,国家自然科学基金